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Superluminal Vagrant Twin

by C.E.J. Pacian profile

About the Story

A text-only space sim.

Ply the spaceways. Make five million credits. Buy back your twin.

(Superluminal Vagrant Twin is a shallow but broad exploration game.)

Page Update History

v.11: 13-Jun-2024 16:43 - OtisTDog (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
  v.10: 27-Nov-2023 21:23 - JTN
Changed download links
v.9: 17-Sep-2022 11:01 - autumnc
Changed external review links
v.8: 03-May-2021 21:52 - Zape
Changed license type
v.7: 27-Jan-2020 17:31 - Zape
Changed download links
v.6: 25-Nov-2019 20:31 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.5: 17-Jul-2017 12:06 - Doug Orleans
Changed download links
v.4: 02-Apr-2016 22:36 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.3: 28-Mar-2016 04:58 - Emily Boegheim
Changed download links
v.2: 28-Mar-2016 01:40 - Sobol
Changed author
v.1: 27-Mar-2016 18:49 - Sobol
Created page

3 Off-Site Reviews

Chris Klimas
What I especially liked, and I think distinguishes it from other, shorter Pacian games I�ve played (and would also recommend � especially Castle of the Red Prince), is the sense of depth to the world. Where Red Prince feels allusive, SVT is expository. For example, there are some characters who exist only to point the player to other locations to visit, from a mechanical point of view. And yet, the few sentences they�re given often give a sense not only of the politics and culture of the world, but also of the characters themselves. It�s pretty masterful to be able to do so much with so few words.
See the full review

Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling
Meanwhile, Superluminal does as good a job as I�ve seen at a trade-and-exploration parser game, even including a little light grinding but without becoming too dull or frustrating.
See the full review

Superluminal Vagrant Twin (2016) - Full Playthrough
jay___ram introduces ferkung to C.E.J. Pacian's space trading sim Superluminal Vagrant Twin from 2016. A fascinating use of parser to replace the typically point-and-click interface of those games, it's also a favorite genre of ferkung.
See the full review

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