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Lime Ergot

by Caleb Wilson (as Rust Blight) profile

Inform 7

About the Story

Now everyone is gone. (Well, almost everyone.)

Entry in ECTOCOMP 2014.

Page Update History

  v.22: 17-Aug-2024 16:13 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.21: 02-Mar-2024 01:40 - Tabitha
Changed external review links
v.20: 12-Oct-2022 10:52 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed Web site URL
v.19: 17-Dec-2017 01:13 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language
v.18: 01-Jul-2017 10:30 - Caleb Wilson
Changed download links
v.17: 28-Jun-2017 14:18 - Caleb Wilson
Changed download links
v.16: 28-Jun-2017 14:17 - Caleb Wilson
Changed download links
v.15: 28-Jun-2017 09:17 - Caleb Wilson
Changed cover art, download links
v.14: 27-May-2017 04:29 - IFforL2
Changed download links
v.13: 27-May-2017 04:28 - IFforL2
Changed language
v.12: 27-May-2017 04:27 - IFforL2
Changed download links
v.11: 27-May-2017 04:22 - IFforL2
Changed download links
v.10: 29-Jun-2016 23:07 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.9: 12-Dec-2015 05:08 - Emily Boegheim
Changed download links
v.8: 08-Dec-2015 15:32 - Bruno Dias
Changed external review links
v.7: 08-Dec-2015 09:11 - Caleb Wilson
Changed version number, download links
v.6: 09-Jun-2015 15:54 - Doug Orleans
Changed author
v.5: 27-Dec-2014 20:45 - Caleb Wilson
Changed download links
v.4: 27-Dec-2014 20:43 - Caleb Wilson
v.3: 13-Dec-2014 10:24 - Caleb Wilson
Changed IFIDs, version number, download links
v.2: 24-Nov-2014 09:22 - Caleb Wilson
Changed cover art, description, author
v.1: 09-Nov-2014 00:04 - DB
Created page

2 Off-Site Reviews

Lime Ergot is a telescoping perception puzzle. This is where its importance to the parser medium lies: it uses the traditional construction of objects and subobjects to recast movement and perception. For decades, the parser was very concerned with “mimetic” representations of realistic space, with achieving a form of immersion that is present, also, in graphical video games; particularly with achieving the sort of materiality and space that is also found in those games.

Works like this upend this ideal. They present a space that has to be traversed on different terms. You play Lime Ergot by falling into its descriptive text, one layer at a time. Most uses of this device only go a couple layers deep and rely on increasingly-minute detail; Lime Ergot discards our spatial expectations entirely, and not only builds in an implausible number of layers of perception, many of the moves are lateral or even not spatial at all. It’s probably one of the best representations, in fiction, of a hallucinatory or dissociating state.
See the full review

spooky action at a distance
Parser as hallucination in “Lime Ergot” (review by Arkady Martine)
In short: this is one of the most coherent games I have played in terms of using the precise medium of interactivity to produce and highlight an emotional state in the player. It is an absolute gem of a game.
See the full review

Game Details

Language: English, Castilian (en, es)
First Publication Date: October 31, 2014
Current Version: 3
License: Freeware
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: D411018C-89C6-4AB8-9F9B-21E38BD34002
TUID: b8mb4fcwmf1hrxl