First Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction

The Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction is a quadrennial event showcasing interactive fiction written for the specific purpose of pleasing Ryan Veeder.

News & updates (RSS)


Series: Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction

Official Web site:

Organizer(s): Emily Boegheim profile, Jenni Polodna, Ryan Veeder profile

Judge(s): Ryan Veeder profile

Award date: March 14, 2016

Qualification opening date: November 23, 2015

Qualification closing date: February 29, 2016

Games and Awards

2nd Place: Barroom Brawl, by Mathbrush
4th Place: Draculaland, by Robin Johnson
12th Place: A Brief Introduction To This Game, by Jacques Frechet

Update History

v.11: 5-Jul-2023 00:39 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed organizers
v.10: 22-Mar-2020 12:41 - nf
Changed Web site (URL)
v.9: 6-Apr-2016 15:41 - CMG
Changed list of games
v.8: 24-Mar-2016 01:09 - Zachary Hodgens
Changed list of games
v.7: 19-Mar-2016 03:03 - ZombieHam
Changed list of games
v.6: 16-Mar-2016 14:49 - hatless
Changed list of games
v.5: 16-Mar-2016 14:49 - hatless
Changed list of games
v.4: 15-Mar-2016 18:40 - Ryan Veeder
Changed list of games
v.3: 15-Mar-2016 08:25 - Hulk Handsome
Changed list of games
 v.2: 14-Mar-2016 22:01 - Jacques Frechet
Changed list of games
v.1: 14-Mar-2016 14:44 - Ryan Veeder
Created page