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by Robin Johnson profile

Versificator 2

(based on 27 ratings)
7 reviews24 members have played this game. It's on 35 wishlists.

About the Story

A terse, comic horror puzzle game based loosely on Dracula, faithfully reimagining several characters and ignoring most of the original plot. Guide Jonathan Harker on a trip through Transylvania, interacting with vampires, mad scientists, zombies, annoying magpies, and moustachioed werewolves.

Draculaland is the first game written using a new keyboardless "parser/choice hybrid" engine, "Versifier", designed to give the feel of a parser game with click/touch controls.


Ratings and Reviews

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Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 7
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3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Great for playing with kids, April 29, 2019
by J. J. Guest (London, England)

I played this engagingly silly game with my 7 year old nephew, and he absolutely loved it. The terse text and clever button interface were an ideal introduction to the medium of IF, and though we went on to play a couple of traditional parser games, he liked this one the best.

We played on a mobile phone, and I hope Robin goes on to release more games for mobiles. I hope, also, that he releases an authoring tool for Versificator so that other authors can use it!

Draculaland riffs on a host of classic monster movie tropes and features (mostly) logical puzzles. We resorted to the hints once or twice. The only really disappointing thing was that (Spoiler - click to show)in spite of the title, you don't get to see a lot of the eponymous vampire. It might have been fun if he'd turned up earlier in the story.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
A longish link-driven parser game about Dracula and Van Helsing, March 19, 2016

Draculaland gave me several hours of playtime, even though I resorted to hints near the end of my playing time. It uses an innovative system where it is a parser, but all commands are chosen by clicking buttons instead of typing them in.

This is definitely a parser with some web UI thrown in as opposed to games such as Hallowmoor or the Axolotl Project which were Twine games but with heavy parser elements.

The parser effect is achieved by having an actual parser on half of the screen, with commands passed to it when you click on the buttons on the right-side (which consists of an inventory and room description).

The big worry here of course is that the button system might detract from the freedom of the parser, and that was my experience at first. It was difficult going back and forth between the two interfaces, and I felt like I was just trying every button in every situation.

However, as the game progressed, the dual interface became more natural, and as the inventory and its options grew, I was no longer able to get anyway by random button presses. I had to resort to the hallmark of the parser system, which is planning and carrying out a complex sequence of events.

Overall, I found the writing charming when the game wasn't being frustrating. That ended up being the one drawback of the game; I felt that many of the puzzle solutions, even in hindsight, didn't make sense or didn't allow for reasonable alternatives. (Spoiler - click to show)For instance, I felt like you should be able to distract the magpie with shiny objects or hide the keys in the box or bury them or kill the bird in its nest, or that you could slow the flies down by having them get drunk just like you did with the Magpie, etc. However, I would still rank the puzzles in the top half of all adventure games, especially for a patient player.

Overall, I recommend it; as an experiment, it's worth spending some time with, and as a game, it should appeal to the minimalist Scott Adams fans (which includes me).

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Fun, casual, creative, stylish IF game, March 29, 2016

I thought this was a really fun diversion. I play games to relax, and often times don't want to put a huge effort into them (games are play, not work, yes?), so I liked that it was a choice based game instead of a parser based game.

The writing is clever and not overwrought. The puzzles are difficult enough to be challenging without being frustrating, and the hint system is un-spoilery so that it helps if you get stuck without leading too much. The layout and formatting of the game is clever and fits with the theme. There are some extras which are fun to reveal.

All in all, a fun game.

Play it!

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6 Off-Site Reviews

Jay Is Games

"Campy, wonderfully silly, and packed to the gills with supernatural mayhem, Robin Johnson's text-based adventure Draculaland puts the Bram Stoker classic in your hands with a very liberal comedic twist or ten."
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PC Gamer
"Draculaland is a parser-based text adventure, at heart, but it does brilliant things with its interface."
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Adventure Gamers
"At first this appears to be a straightforward adventure, but finding Dracula is not as easy as it seems. The story actually proves quite intricate, with some interesting twists and turns along the way."
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Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling
"The writing is compact, as it has to be in this format, and funny; the characters are sketched with as much personality as one could reasonably fit in the available space"
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Gamers Unite!
"Draculaland is a fun game with a good name that asks you to kill the lord of darkness, using a magnificent context-sensitive action system."
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Geek Squad
"Draculaland – or 'Draculalalaland', as you'll likely stumble through saying the title out loud – is a perfectly sized gothic adventure-puzzle game, following Jonathan Harker in his quest to slay the notorious Wallachian, Count Dracula, and rescue his bride Mina from his castle."
See the full review


Draculaland has now been released as an Android app, available from the Play store here: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.versificator.draculaland
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