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Stupid Kittens

by Marc Valhara

(based on 18 ratings)
2 reviews23 members have played this game. It's on 4 wishlists.

About the Story

"You are standing in Karen's room.
Woo, bad kitten!" [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 18 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Profoundly Stupid, February 8, 2009
by C.E.J. Pacian (England)

When I realised what had happened at the end of this game, I burst out laughing in a way that I'm not sure I ever have with an IF game before. The ending - which I won't spoil, naturally - is a typical example of the kind of brilliant stupidity that made me enjoy this game so much. Stupid Kittens is clearly the work of a capable IF author - capable enough to understand how to bend the structure of a good game back on itself and create a feedback loop of intelligently conceived idiocy.

I'm sure that the poorly spelled opening text of this game has scared off a good few people, who assume that it's one of those self conscious parodies of bad games that blight IF Comp and manage, without fail, to never be the least bit entertaining. Stupid Kittens is more subtle than that, and more in-your-face as well. Simply put, this is a game where stupid things happen. Unexpected stupid things. The game carefully sets up traps for you to walk into, that if you're anything like me, will have you giggling with childish glee as soon as you realise just what (metaphorically speaking) you've stepped in. There are no real puzzles, just a bad acid trip of a game, where the rules change on a whim and the philosophical and moronic are tangled up in one great wet furball.

I guess, when it gets down to it, this is a game where you play a cat that, under instruction from Buddha, finds its soul up its backside. You know whether that's your kind of thing.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A purposely ridiculous game about a cat, July 19, 2016

This game is one of those "mess with the player" games, but it's better than most. It seems bug free (one apparent bug is actually the final joke), and the writing isn't bad, although it tries to be offensive to the player at times.

It's on rails, and goes through a variety of scenes. It seems like a troll game, to be honest, but many people might enjoy it if they like abusive language from parser and fun ridiculousness

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2 Off-Site Reviews

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Well. OK. Um. What can I say about Stupid Kittens? It lives up to its title, sort of. There's only one kitten, so it doesn't live up to the last "S" of its title. But it is pretty stupid. Either that or brilliant. It's kind of hard to tell the difference with this game.
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Stupid Kittens is described a game for mature players but I found it to be juvenile.
-- Dorothy Millard
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