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All Through the Night

by Daniel "Bosch" Saults

(based on 3 ratings)
2 reviews2 members have played this game. It's on 14 wishlists.

About the Story

A short piece of interactive fiction horror, created for the Bogleech Creepypasta Cook-Off 2013. Includes music and sound effects.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A short and effective creepypasta, July 11, 2024
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

I was looking back at my 'wishlist' and this game had been on there the longest, for most of a decade if I recall. I thought I'd finally get around to it.

This is a short ADRIFT game with music and some real time effects. The idea is that you are at home watching a nature documentary alone at night when you see something out your window that unnerves you.

I'm giving this game a 5-star rating because I thought through my five criteria and how they applied.

+Polished: I didn't encounter any major difficulties with the parser; WATCH TV didn't work, but that was it. The music definitely added to the overall feel.
+Descriptive: gruesomely so.
+Interactivity: There are 4 endings, and reaching most of them felt pretty natural. The game felt pretty realistic.
+Emotional impact: I was creeped out. I kept turning down the music.
+Would I play again? Yeah, probably.

If you download the adrift 5 runner, and get virus warnings, try one of the other versions of it (e.g. runner+development, just runner, etc.), usually one works.

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Short but perfectly formed, January 22, 2016

I really enjoyed this story- it's a small neat package, but all the better for it.
Really flexible, and well implemented, it reacts correctly to a variety of things you might try to do... And most importantly, it has some really descriptive creepy ideas ;)
Didn't feel linear/constrained, and was a real experience especially on the first playthrough.
A couple of minor guess-the-verb issues, but otherwise great.

Only managed to find endings A, B & C myself, no idea how you get D etc- I'd be interested to know all outcomes!

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1 Off-Site Review

All Through The Night
An interesting game that incorporates Lovecraftian horror. There are at least 4 possible endings because I got endings A, B and D. It's not very long but considerable thought was put into it. It's definitely worth a try.
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