
Results for Jewel of Knowledge
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by Mike White


, by Stephen Boyd and Jonathan Scott (1993)

For Pete's Sake

, by Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd (1993)

Pirates of the Caribou

, by Jeremy Thurgood (2006)
(2 ratings)

Last Resort

, by Jim Aikin (2006)
(6 ratings)

A New Day

, by Jonathan Fry (1997)
(6 ratings)

The House of O's

, by Wally O. and Pete D. (1989)

Practical Astrology

, by Admiral Jota (2001)
(5 ratings)

Garden of the Dragon

, by Admiral Jota (2000)
(7 ratings)

The Great Ritual

, by Gunther Schmidl (1999)
(4 ratings)


, by Gevan Dutton (1998)
(6 ratings)

The Escaping Habit

, by Jack Lockerby (1993)

A Light's Tale

, by Zach Flynn (2004)
(7 ratings)


, by John Pitchers (2004)
(7 ratings)

The House

, by Jack Lockerby (1993)


, by Jason Devlin (2005)
(173 ratings)

Desert Island

, by Walter Pooley (1992)
(2 ratings)

Bog of Brit

, by Ian S. Brown (1990)

Helvera - Mistress of the Park

by Bob Adams
(1 rating)

The Lost Stone Mansion

, by Paul R. Merkley (1992)
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