Choice of Robots, by Kevin Gold dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (43 ratings) The robots you design will change the world! Will you show them the true meaning of love, or conquer Alaska with your robot army? "Choice of Robots" is an epic 300,000-word interactive sci-fi novel by Kevin... |
Citronille, by Samuel Verschelde dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (4 ratings) "Ah, la vie de grenouille", pensez-vous. "Patauger sur le bord de la mare en attendant les insectes qui viennent spontanément nous nourrir, se détendre en nageant, se dorer au soleil... Tiens, mais voilà... |
Dard d'Enfer , by BALROG Vous êtes fourbe. Tordu. Alors puisqu’un obstacle obstrue votre route, vous comptez bien l’en éloigner. Pour toujours. Mais vous n’avez aucun pouvoir. La hiérarchie sociale vous empêche ne... |
Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 1: the Awakening, by Marco Vallarino dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (24 ratings) You're the nightmare from which people can't wake. Dead twice. One by the hand of your maker, the second by the fiend who drove a stake through your heart while you were sleeping defenceless in your coffin.... |
Death off the Cuff, by Simon Christiansen dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (54 ratings) They all stare at you expectantly, like children waiting to be told a bedtime story. Who can blame them? You are, after all, Antoine Saint Germain, the great French detective. No criminal has ever been a... |
Echappée Belle Dans Les Contrées du Rêve, by FibreTigre dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (4 ratings) Après tant d’années de traque, il ne vous échappera pas ! Il y a dix ans de cela, après avoir été confronté de la plus terrible façon au Mythe, vous avez passé un pacte avec votre confrérie et... |
Ekphrasis, by FibreTigre dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (10 ratings) |
The Endling Archive, by Kazuki Mishima dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (30 ratings) Browse the Endling Archive to uncover the purpose of its creation. |
Enigma, by Simon Deimel dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (20 ratings) Eyes can see, and a mind can think. Insanity is just one step away. You are in a room. That's where you are, and you know exactly what is going on. But the truth is hard to take. The game file includes hints... |
Entre Terre et Ciel, by Nathanaël Marion dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) |
The Entropy Cage, by Stormrose dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (15 ratings) Sub-sentient computer programs 'subs' coordinate our future society. You, the first cyber-psychiatrist, are drawn into the sub's war for their next evolution. PLAYTIME: ~20mins FORMAT: standalone .html file.... |
Escape Game, by Bryan dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (3 ratings) Vous vous réveillez au milieu d’une pièce bien éclairée. Devant vous se trouvent plusieurs écrans, sur le côté, il y a une porte fermée protégée par un code. De l’autre côté de la pièce, il... |
Escape Room : La pièce vide, by FibreTigre dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) Clac ! La porte blindée se referme derrière vous. Aïe. J’ai bien peur que vous soyez pris au piège. |
Escape Room : Le Magicien, by FibreTigre dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (1 rating) Vous avez été très surpris quand Mandrake, votre rival de toujours, vous a invité dans sa roulotte de magicien. « En dépit de notre concurrence réciproque, cher collègue, et du fait que nombre de vos... |
A Figure Met in a Shaded Wood, by Michael Thomét dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (17 ratings) In the country of Tuscary, near the town of Clarence, there is a path that runs through the woods and into the nearby mountains. There is a rumor that if you are walking the path at twilight on the night of... |
Filaments, by FibreTigre dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (6 ratings) Allez Margot, va falloir se lever. Je crois que ce coup-ci tu vas pas y couper : mmm y a de la lumière, du bruit en bas, je crois bien que c’est parti pour l’avant dernier jour d’école de l’année.... |
Final Exam, by Jack Whitham dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (26 ratings) Final Exam takes place in the near future after an AI revolution has led to the establishment of a new sort of government. You are seeking a job within this government: your performance in the “final... |
The Fire Tower, by Jacqueline A. Lott dutchmule's rating: Average member rating: (50 ratings) |