Atari Lover's Played Games

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Adventure, by William Crowther and Donald Woods
Average member rating: (97 ratings)

Beyond Zork, by Brian Moriarty
Average member rating: (51 ratings)

Dread times have befallen the Kingdom of Quendor. The wizards have mysteriously disappeared. The Enchanter's Guild Hall lies in ruins. Villages are abandoned, drunken men mutter strange tales, and vicious...

Border Zone, by Marc Blank
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

Where the Iron Curtain divides East and West, the frontier is a no man's land between freedom and captivity, a place where moments lost or precautions not taken exact a toll in men's lives. In Border Zone,...

Bureaucracy, by Douglas Adams, The Staff of Infocom
Average member rating: (48 ratings)

IMPORTANT! Our records show that you do not have a license to operate this software. Normally, you would be required to complete a License Application Form and mail it (with proof of purchase) to our...

Cutthroats, by Michael Berlyn, Jerry Wolper
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

You're about to get yourself into very deep trouble. You're a backwater island's top diver and foremost expert on local shipwrecks. Which makes you perfect for the job a band of the island's shadiest...

Deadline, by Marc Blank
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

Twelve hours to solve the mystery. One false move, and the killer strikes again. It's been called "part of the latest craze in home computing (TIME magazine), an "amazing feat of programming" (THE NEW YORK...

Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

In Enchanter, the first of a spellbinding series in the tradition of Zork, you are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do singlehanded combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will...

The Guild of Thieves, by Rob Steggles
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Steal yourself a world of fantasy WHY BUY THIS GAME WHEN YOU CAN STEAL IT ? Except you can't. Not yet. An amateur like you? Come off it! Now, if you were a fully paid-up member of the notorious Guild of...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (185 ratings)

Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary...

Infidel, by Michael Berlyn
Average member rating: (61 ratings)

Infidel finds you marooned by your followers in the heart of the deadly Egyptian Desert. A soldier of fortune by trade, you've come hither in search of a great lost pyramid and its untold riches. Now, alone,...

A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (116 ratings)

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare It's 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling...

The Pawn, by Rob Steggles, Peter Kemp, Hugh Steers, Ken Gordon, and Geoff Quilley
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

The Pawn is an adventure game set in the magical world of Kerovnia during a period of tremendous social upheaval. Recently, King Erik, the present ruler of the land, has started to lose his hold on the...

Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
Atari Lover's rating:
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

"Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic...

Shogun, by James Clavell, Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

Experience the sweeping drama and power of James Clavell's Shogun. The year is 1600. You are John Blackthorne, Pilot-Major of a privateering merchant ship and the first Englishman to set foot on Japanese...

Starcross, by Dave Lebling
Atari Lover's rating:
Average member rating: (50 ratings)

Starcross, Infocom's science fiction mind-bender, launches you headlong into the year 2186 and the depths of space. And not without good reason, for you are destined to rendezvous with a gargantuan starship...

Suspect, by Dave Lebling
Atari Lover's rating:
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

You're guilty until proven innocent. You have walked into a hotbed of deceit and trickery. And now they're accusing you of something you couldn't have done. But they have proof that you did it. "You're a...

TimeQuest, by Bob Bates
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

You are a private in an organization called the Temporal Corps. As the game begins, a general calls you into his office, explaining that a Corps lieutenant has apparently conceived the insane notion of going...

The Witness, by Stu Galley
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

February 1938, Los Angeles. FDR's New Deal is finally rolling. Hitler's rolling, too; this time through Austria. But as Chief Detective for a quiet burgh on the outskirts of L.A., you've got other fish to...

Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (220 ratings)

Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these...

Zork II, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Average member rating: (98 ratings)

The Wizard appears, floating nonchalantly in the air beside you. He grins sideways at you. The Wizard incants "Fantasize," but nothing happens. He shakes his wand. Nothing happens. With a slightly...

Zork III, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Average member rating: (78 ratings)

An old, oddly youthful man turns toward you slowly. His long, silver hair dances about him as a fresh breeze blows. "You have reached the final test, my friend! You are proved clever and powerful, but this...

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