Stephane F.'s Played Games

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Night City 2020, by Hoper
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Le quartier dans lequel vous déambulez est mal fréquenté, et vous observez avec un certain amusement les gens accélérer le pas pour regagner leur studio, avant que les gangs du quartier ne prennent...

Noir d'Encre, by Nathanaël Marion
Stephane F.'s rating:
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Nous étions poursuivis, mon frère et moi. Par ma faute, nous courions au coeur de la forêt pour lui échapper. Je devais le protéger, il n'avait que huit ans. Il s'agissait de mon devoir de grande soeur....

Omeyad, by P. Jouaud, Y. Taillefer, Jean-Paul Renault, Pierre Giroud

Omeyad is an interactive fiction in real time, for Amstrad CPC. Here's the commercial description : « Omeyad est un jeu d'aventure qui pousse la simulation aussi loin que possible. vous y retrouverez...

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, by David Marques
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A whimsical Halloween story full of misdirection. Easy, short, with 26 locations. Cover art is licensed by the author from

Panoptique, by Hugo Labrande, Nighten Dushi
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Encore un peu de temps en salle de surveillance, et ça sera l’heure de votre pause. Concentrez vous sur les douze écrans devant vous. Faites un rapport pour chaque comportements suspect ou visant à...

Phone in Mouth, by Leon Arnott
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Récits de grand-père, by Rémi Verschelde (Akien)
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
« Pierre, il va bientôt être sept heures, dépêche-toi de rentrer à la maison ! » Vous détournez votre regard de vos billes qui jonchent le sol et regardez votre mère rentrer chez vous en laissant la...

Sarvegne, by Eric Forgeot and Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot (graphics)
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Sire Jehan le Crapouillot, by Nicolas Pérot
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Farce médiévale réalisée dans le cadre de la jam Nouvim 3000 : aventures textuelles de 501 à 3000 mots ayant pour thème "Infamie".

Snow, by Sethaniel
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A story told in pieces of memory, about a boy, the girl he loved, and snow.

Space Punk Moon Tour, by J_J
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

You are nineteen-year-old Tina Tessler: missing father, dead mother, and plagued by nightmares of things you can’t quite remember. You just won a ticket to see your favorite band. So, pack your bags and...

Speak French, by Claire6129
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Have you ever gone to a place where you feel dumb because everyone is talking french? Well, no more! Now you can learn the bassics and learn how to say a full sentence in french!! ...

Tempête sur les bermudes (remake), by Stéphane Wiart, Christophe Bourrier and Philippe Bousquet

QUITTEZ L’ILE SUR LAQUELLE VOUS VOUS ETES ÉCHOUÉ APRES UNE VIOLENTE TEMPÊTE Votre gout prononcé pour l’aventure et les sardines à l’huile vous a poussé à participer à la transat en solitaire....

This Is A Real Thing That Happened, by Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

This short game was created for RuinJam 2015.

Three More Visitors, by Paul Stanley
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Christmas Eve! You tell Bob to go home early; tidy up a little, and lock up the office shortly after four. You look on the old brass plate, which still reads “Scrooge & Marley”, probably for the last...

Tin Star, by Allen Gies
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Ride out into the Old West as a U.S. marshal! Confront outlaws, find romance, challenge Indians, defy the elements and craft an enduring legend as you uncover a conspiracy whose deadly web stretches from San...

Ungodly hour, by Simon Deimel
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

You wake up in the middle of the night. Was there some sound in your apartment? The sound of footfalls? You feel that something is wrong, so should you dare to explore? By now you are lying in your bed and...

Varkana, by Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

Varkana is the name of a region in a world with a timeless, mildy fantasy/sci-fi setting (some technological and magical elements are present at this moment, but not prevalent), with the city-state of Arg...

Works of Fiction, by FibreTigre
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

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