manonamora's Played Games

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Le Manoir Abandonné - Partie II, by oli-x
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
Après être tombé en panne au beau milieu de la forêt, tu décides de pénétrer dans un manoir pour y chercher de l'aide, mais ses portes se referment sur toi ! Tu vas devoir explorer la demeure pour en...
Le Nouveau Jeu : Les Chroniques d'OPERA, by Gavroche Games
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
En 2060, Martynn et Billiam se retrouvent pour essayer le nouveau jeu d’OPERA GAME: “New-Sky II”. Si Billiam n’attend que de découvrir cette nouveauté, Martynn lui, préférerait faire une bonne vieille partie...

Le plaisant jeu du Dodéchédron de Fortune, by filiaa
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

En bon noble du XIIIe siècle, vous et vos amis avez du temps libre et des questions existentielles plein les bras ? Pas de panique ! Le Dodéchédron de Fortune a réponse à (presque) tout, et en vers composés...

Le Procès de l'humanité, by Gavroche Games
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Faites face au jugement de dieux hauts en couleur ! Tentez de les convaincre de ne pas éradiquer l'humanité à l'aide d'arguments aux effets mystérieux !
Le Trône des Dieux, by Oli-X
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
La tempête de neige fait rage sur le Gudründthyr, plus haut sommet des Terres du Nord. Enfoncés jusqu'aux genoux dans la poudreuse, qui sont ces trois aventuriers assez fous pour défier les Dieux lorsqu'ils...
leave the lights on, by Naarel
This story features sexual content (so, it's NSFW). It touches upon issues of objectification, abusive relationship dynamics, victim blaming (centered on self) and degradation in sexual context. Is it wrong...
Les Idylles - Episode 1, by Korwen
Average member rating: (1 rating)
Les Idylles, capitale de Loghria : explorez la ville pour découvrir ses quartiers, ses habitants et ses coutumes ; venez en aide à la population, résolvez ses mystères, mais surtout : échappez à Gurssaf, le...

Les Prophéties Perdues, by Louphole
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Une fiction interactive où le destin de l'humanité est entre vos mains ! Quelques part dans les tropiques... Après plusieurs semaines de périple solitaire à travers la jungle, carte à la main, vous atteignez...

Les Trois-cités : les préludes d'une odyssée, by PasteourS
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Bienvenue dans les Trois-cités !
let the lights bleed, by Naarel
Average member rating: (1 rating)
At this moment, you don't want me. Did you ever want me? Or is it all just about my body? This story features sexual content (so, it's NSFW). It touches upon issues of objectification of trans individuals,...
letters for su, by ghostvines
You write letters, but never receive replies. You wonder why. — Dear Elizabeth, from the 200 Word RPG Challenge Written for the "sealed with a kiss" prompt, over the span of three (four?) days. Unabashed...

The Library of Knowledge, by Elle Sillitoe
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Peruse an ancient library in which all learnt things reside, including Shaanxi - the omniscient spirit of knowledge. Shaanxi offers you three interweaving tales, one of which is yours. Discover where you...

Lid Astray, by Avery Hiebert and Ryan Samman
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Enter an experimental simulation known as "the Labyrinth," where reality changes whenever you blink your real-life human eyes. Do you have what it takes to escape? An interactive fiction game made in 72...

Life is like a Trampoline, by Carny

TW: Self Harm, Animal Cruelty, Suicide I made this game when I was recovering from a depressive episode. There is always hope.

Life Is Short, by axmn
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A compact interactive fiction game created with Twine for Neo-Twiny Jam 2023. Life Is Short is 500 words exactly, excluding code and sidebar/menu content. The game features instances of timed text and works...

Life of Puck, by alyshkalia
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A game I wrote as practice when learning Twine; was inspired to clean it up for the Neo Twiny jam in honor of my sweet boy.

LIMBO, by KA Tan
Average member rating: (1 rating)

LIMBO: Created for Locus Jam 2024.  The software used was binksi , created by smwhr.  Set in a not-so-distant future, you are waiting to hear back on the status of your visa application to live and work in...

Liminal, by roman_hyacinths
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Liminal is a short, hand-painted, and partially-voiced visual novel about two young adults who accidentally run into each other a few months after their breakup.

Listen to the Phone Ring, by Rylie Eric
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

CONTENT WARNING Transphobia A Twine story where you call your friends. This game uses 499 words (based off twine's word count) and is a half-sequel to Literally Watch Paint Dry. This is probably best...

Little Glass Slipper, by vileidol
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

... and the gold shoe fitted; but ugly she was, and so loathly she looked, the prince only kept his word sore against his will. Still they got ready the wedding feast, and she was dressed up and decked out...

Lockdown, by gamerpotato
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

You are stuck in a time loop room all by yourself with no idea what to do.

Lonehouse, by Ayu Sekarlangit Mokoginta
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

After your estranged sister's death, you face difficulty sorting through her personal belongings. As you navigate your grief through these objects, you begin to reminisce about old times and learn about her...

The Loneliest House, by alyshkalia
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

You've always been drawn to the lonely old house on the hill outside your town...

Losing Track, by Onno Brouwer
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Can you make the right choices and get safely home?
Love, Sam, by Sophia de Augustine
Average member rating: (1 rating)
A young man is finding normalcy in the middle of grief.

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