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La constellation des Intracines

by Adrien Saurat profile


(based on 1 rating)
1 review3 members have played this game.

About the Story

L'humanité, menaçante, menacée. Vengeance de Gaïa ? Réveil d'antédiluviens ? Une espèce végétale inconnue envahit la surface terrestre avec une férocité inouïe. Vous pourrez peut-être sauver vos pairs, car vous êtes astronome.
Fiction interactive courte (5 à 10 minutes de jeu), à liens hypertextes (réalisée avec l'outil Moiki, de même catégorie que Twine).
Thèmes lovecraftiens avec mentions de désespoir et idées suicidaires.
Jeu réalisé dans le cadre de la Global Game Jam de 2023 (thème : roots).
Sur le site de l'école Brassart à Montpellier (organisation Sud Piccel).

Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Apocalyptic Future, February 10, 2024

La constellation des Intracines is a short choice-based game set in an apocalyptic future where humanity is under the threat of extinction. A strange plant from underground has started taking over the ecosystem: drying out the land, rendering the waters acidic... Between the military in its futile fight against the plant and the scientific community in shambles when faced with little solutions, humanity tries to survive as best it can, even with this uncertain future.

Your background as an astronomer helps little with this struggle, and you can choose to despair and accept humanity's fate, turn to the stars for solace with this end, try to find other survivors and fight until your dying breath, or succumb maybe to madness.

The writing does a pretty good job in capturing the horror and gloomy aspect of this apocalyptic future and the unknown of this natural enemy, and the mental breakdown of the PC when faced with the realities of the situation.

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