GreenDude's Wish List

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Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Øyvind Thorsby
Average member rating: (31 ratings)

Afflicted, by Doug Egan
Average member rating: (52 ratings)

This isn't the safest neighborhood. A young woman was abducted near here only recently. But as a city sanitarian you are obligated to complete your annual inspection of the local dive. [blurb from IF Comp...

Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Average member rating: (325 ratings)

"Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a...

Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, Ziv Wities
Average member rating: (123 ratings)

The Queen has told you to return with her heart in a box. Snow White has made you promise to make other arrangements. Now that you're alone in the forest, it's hard to know which of the two women to trust....

All Alone, by Ian Finley
Average member rating: (70 ratings)

Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
Average member rating: (400 ratings)

You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that blanket the sky mutter ominous portents amongst themselves over the little...

Andromeda Apocalypse — Extended Edition, by Marco Innocenti
Average member rating: (29 ratings)

Floating in space on a strange vessel, sole survivor of a world... and maybe of the entire human race, Ektor Mastiff must find a way through the cosmos, on a voyage that can change the history of mankind...

Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut, by Marco Innocenti
Average member rating: (42 ratings)

The most important discovery in history. And then, the whole world goes crumbling down. Armed with but a computer and an expired railway ticket, how can one expect to save the day when the doomsday clock has...

Andromeda Dreaming, by Joey Jones
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

Aliss can control her dreams, but will this help her when she's stuck in a galaxy on the brink of destruction? Winner of the Andromeda Legacy competition 2012, Andromeda Dreaming is in the same setting as...

Augmented Fourth, by Brian Uri!
Average member rating: (66 ratings)

WANTED: Amateur musicians to serve the Royal Court. Must provide own instrument and be inured to copious constructive criticism. Impress your friends! Meet the King! Apply in person at the Castle, located on...

Banana Apocalypse and the Rocket Pants of Destiny, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

Bigger Than You Think, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (52 ratings)

Bigger Than You Think is a choice-based interactive narrative. This game was written for the Yuletide 2012 fanfic exchange. The game was inspired -- perhaps loosely -- by Randall Munroe's comic xkcd-1110:...

Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed
Average member rating: (113 ratings)

You have always been different. One in a trillion have your gift, your curse: to move between worlds, never settling, always alone. To Wayfare. Yet there are others like you, and something stronger than...

Catseye, by Dave Bernazzani
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Try to get a secret item from your Uncle Xevion's house. Catseye was written to see what could be done with a 10K (10240 byte) Z-Machine file. It uses a custom library called MinForm which reduces the parser...

City of Secrets, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (105 ratings)

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
Average member rating: (115 ratings)

Stolen away by apathetic Blind Ones, your only desire is to return to your Cellarium and the Song of the Universe. They should understand. You shall make them to understand.

Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (247 ratings)

Anglophone Atlantis has been an independent nation since an April day in 1822, when a well-aimed shot from their depluralizing cannon reduced the British colonizing fleet to one ship. Since then, Atlantis...

The Crescent City at the Edge of Disaster, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (14 ratings)

A Speed-IF featuring New Orleans, Emeril, and armed hamsters.

Dangerous Curves, by Irene Callaci
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

The Duel That Spanned the Ages, by Oliver Ullmann
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

A frantic struggle for survival in hard vacuum.

Ecdysis, by Peter Nepstad
Average member rating: (80 ratings)

You wake, a pounding headache loud in your inner ear, the back of your head itching and tingling, your mouth full of cotton. The pain drives away your dreams, weird visions of alien landscapes... Ecdysis is...

The Elysium Enigma, by Eric Eve
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

It was meant to be a routine visit on behalf of the imperial government, just to remind the settlers that the Empire hadn't forgotten them, and if you stick rigidly to the letter of your orders and refuse to...

Endless, Nameless, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (56 ratings)

The first time I ever saw someone play a text adventure was in fifth grade. One of the sixth-graders didn't go to outdoor ed, and therefore spent the week in my fifth-grade classroom, playing Scott Adams's...

Fine-Tuned, by Dennis Jerz
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

"Can Troy, the handsome daredevil autoist, live up to his "sterling" reputation? What secret threatens the career of the talented singer, Miss Melody Sweet? With the help of the mechanical genius Aloysius...

First Draft of the Revolution, by Emily Short, Liza Daly and inkle
Average member rating: (55 ratings)

It is dangerous to deceive a husband of magic-using rank... Juliette has been banished for the summer to a village above Grenoble: a few Alpine houses, a deep lake, blue sky, and no society. Now she writes...

Floatpoint, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (101 ratings)

It is night on this side of the planet. Settled areas are lit: a jagged crescent in the tropics, lining the inland sea. The bright splatter along the top of the curve is Tanhua, as bright from space as New...

The Gostak, by Carl Muckenhoupt
Average member rating: (91 ratings)

"Finally, here you are. At the delcot of tondam, where doshes deave. But the doshery lutt is crenned with glauds. Glauds! How rorm it would be to pell back to the bewl and distunk them, distunk the whole...

Indigo, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (55 ratings)

"Years ago, a witch placed you in this tower and arranged for your upkeep, paying certain villagers well to keep you supplied with the most basic necessities, and no more. Your years in the tower have...

The Intercept, by Jon Ingold and inkle
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

Bletchley Park, 1942. A component from the Bombe machine, used to decode intercepted German messages, has gone missing. One of the cryptographers is waiting to be interviewed, under direst suspicion. Is he...

The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher
Average member rating: (79 ratings)

January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe year. I have...

LASH -- Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, by Paul O'Brian
Average member rating: (42 ratings)

In this historical drama and treasure hunt set in 2062, you have rented a robot called a MULE that you can control remotely to salvage artifacts from an abandoned irradiated plantation near Macon, Georgia....

Letters from Home, by Roger Firth
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

"Centuries of ancestry, decades of memories, years of decline; now, barely two hours in which to reflect on the glorious past, that bygone golden age when nostalgia really meant something... " [--blurb from...

Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

The call comes through. Of all the dicks; you get the call, sitting in the front seat of your car, hands shaking on the steering wheel. An urgent call; but all you were thinking of was the bottle in the...

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (132 ratings)

You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what...

Moonglow, by Dave Bernazzani
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

A spacecraft has landed in the corn fields nearby. You're the only one around to make contact. Moonglow was written to see what could be done with a 10K (10240 byte) Z-Machine file. It uses a custom library...

Muse: An Autumn Romance, by Christopher Huang
Average member rating: (35 ratings)

Early September, 1886. Autumn. The Victorian Era. The Rev. Dawson, 59, is off to the Continent and an unexpected Romance... [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, by Jim Aikin
Average member rating: (30 ratings)

The Primrose Path, by Nolan Bonvouloir
Average member rating: (36 ratings)

You've been having a series of nightmares about Leo, standing at the edge of a cliff. No matter what you do, a bell rings and Leo disappears over the edge . . .

Robin & Orchid, by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim
Average member rating: (65 ratings)

High school journalists spend the night in a church, investigating reports of a ghost.

Rogue of the Multiverse, by C.E.J. Pacian
Average member rating: (75 ratings)

Congratulations, convict 76954! You have been selected for scientific experimentation! You will be matter-transmitted to exotic non-Treaty worlds - where opportunities abound to take in fantastic sights and...

Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
Average member rating: (56 ratings)

Three hundred years ago, the Brazilian Space Agency discovered a rocky exoplanet only 38 light years from Earth. With a surface temperature of 1200 Celsius and nine times Earth gravity, it's hardly the sort...

The Shadow in the Cathedral, by Ian Finley and Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

When the monks took me, aged six months, into their care, they named me Wren. Maybe because I was small, insignificant, and happy to eat any crumbs they threw my way. But these days I'm Wren, 2nd Assistant...

Snowblind Aces, by C.E.J. Pacian
Average member rating: (33 ratings)

Two aces shelter from a snowstorm under the wing of a biplane. They've duelled and played in the air for years. Love is inevitable. But what kind of relationship will they end up in?

Tales of the Traveling Swordsman, by Mike Snyder
Average member rating: (48 ratings)

You are the traveling swordsman; the strong and silent stranger; the wandering vanquisher of villainy. Damsels swoon for you. Good men respect and envy you. Scoundrels learn to fear you. Even so, you are but...

Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me, by Mike Sousa and Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (35 ratings)

Dr. Taylor's looking worried. Dr. Kurner's looking exhausted. Zak is grinning with glee. Today is the big day, and you're about to try out the crowning experiment of your life, and in AtlantisLab's chequered...

Words of Power, by Stark Springs
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

Wrenlaw, by Ryan Veeder
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

It would be nice to know what you're looking for.

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