Zape's Played Games

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LUNIUM, by Ben Jackson
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

Can you escape your chains before the killer strikes again? You wake to find yourself trapped in a room filled with locks and strange contraptions. Someone has locked you in here and identifying them may...

Lurid Dreams, by Torgrim Mellum Stene
Zape's rating:
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A musty old tome with a strange text on self-hypnosis sends our protagonist into a lucid dream searching for answers. But the dream has an agenda of its own.

The Lurking Horror II: The Lurkening, by Ryan Veeder
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (29 ratings)

An unauthorized sequel to the Infocom classic, written for the 2018 MIT Mystery Hunt.

The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (92 ratings)

A winter night at the G.U.E. tech campus with most students away on vacation serves as the backdrop for this tale of Lovecraftian horror.

Lux, by Agnieszka Trzaska
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

You wander around in darkness – even though the lights are on. Sandra is the only one to survive a mysterious attack on a deep space mining station. She is alive, but has lost her vision. Now Sandra must...

The Mad Bomber, by Neil James Brown
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

A recreation of the old "Bombers" game, where you have to bomb a city into ashes to be able to land safely. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
Madrigals of War and Love, by Jason Dyer
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
Magellan 1: Race into the Great Unknown, by Will11
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)
For hundreds of years your people have lived on The Three Islands completely surrounded by a vast impenetrable reef. Scientific advances and large amounts of gunpowder has finally allowed your people to...
Magellan 2: Fight for Beliefs, by Will11
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
The Great Reef has been breached and your people are pouring out into a vast new world: a world of opportunities, adventure... and danger. Explorers and traders establishing new colonies on the islands...
Magellan 3: Journey to New Horizons, by Will11
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
As your country continues to expand beyond the borders of the Great Reef into the largely unknown world of Magellan worrying news arrives: Tobias Cuthrew, the greatest sailor your people have known, has...
Magellan 4: Search for Original Ideas, by Will11
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
Betrayed by your Queen and hunted by her allies the situation looks bleak for you and your small band of allies. But opposition to tyranny takes many forms and from small beginnings and a few great ideas is...
Magic, by Geoff Fortytwo
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
In this odd game, you play as a magician-for-hire the day after a bad gig and a night in the rain. You find your top hat and flip its catch to release Rupert, your rabbit, who immediately attacks you like a...
The Magnificent Museum of Masterly Masterworks, by Nils Fagerburg (as Inverted Normals)
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
In this puzzleless work of interactive fiction, you may tour a small museum of art pieces inspired by the interactive fiction works of Ryan Veeder. The source code is also presented as artwork.
Magno, by EbonVasilis
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
A historical fiction based upon Alexander the Great and his rise to the throne. Note that not everything in this story is factually correct, but there is one path based upon true history. Note: Nearly every...

Magor Investigates..., by Larry Horsfield
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Adventures In The World Of Alaric Blackmoon - Episode 4 ...

The Magpie Takes the Train, by Mathbrush
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (41 ratings)

A millionaire guards a fabulous ruby in her private train car. Countless thieves have failed to steal it. But they weren't the Magpie!

Magus: Betrayal, by Karacan
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

This is the first part of "Tides of War", a multi chaptered story. In Betrayal, you play the role of the young Magus Uriel, a skilled elementalist accompanying an emissary's treck to a far off city. On the...
The Make-Believe Sandbox, by Haruhi Suvumiya
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
A story about the style of second love. There are five possible endings to this game. Your score will effect your ending! Be mindful that this is my first storygame, so it probably won't be that good....
The Mall, by Jason Self
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
You fell asleep in the mall. Now it's closed, and the exit's locked. Can you get out?

Mammal, by Joey Jones
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

The lizards have taken over. You, a lowly human slave, are tasked with eradicating all mammalian traces from the Don Quixote Memorial Museum. (Written for the Apollo 18+20 tribute album project.)

Man Overboard!!!, by TonyB
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are Captain Jean Luc-Warm of the Royal Navy cargo ship, HMS Challenged. It's day 3 of your first mission to deliver IKEA furniture to the Island of the Damned, but, y'know, you won your captaincy by...
The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil, by Marius Müller
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)
Mango, by Aaron Reed, Duncan Bowsman, and Alexei Othenin-Girard
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
You are stuck inside a creepy hotel room in Boston and need to escape. How can losing precious brain parts learning learning occult magicks, former president Millard Fillmore, and time traveling to the Irish...

Manikin Demo, by Rose Behar
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

When your mom’s friend — an eccentric old man with a ‘manikin’ farm — dies in a fire, she decides to investigate. Advise her via text message as she navigates the sometimes surreal dangers posed by...

Manna, by Sam Kabo Ashwell
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

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