1893: A World's Fair Mystery, by Peter Nepstad Average member rating: A theft on the fairgrounds! Precious diamonds stolen from the Kimberly Diamond Mining Exhibit! An urgent telegram from your old partner arrives, requesting your help to solve the mystery. How can you refuse?... |
Augmented Fourth, by Brian Uri! Average member rating: WANTED: Amateur musicians to serve the Royal Court. Must provide own instrument and be inured to copious constructive criticism. Impress your friends! Meet the King! Apply in person at the Castle, located on... |
Barsoom Adventure #1: The Lost City, by Susan Schnitger Average member rating: |
Beanstalk the and Jack, by David Welbourn Average member rating: The story of "Jack and the Beanstalk" - but backwards! |
Book and Volume, by Nick Montfort Average member rating: Your pager tickles you awake. Upstairs in the house of your childhood, in your room, and it must be time for school because -- no, it's the weekend, you remember, but your alarm is going off anyway. You... |
The Box, by Paul Michael Winters Average member rating: You are a collector of rare antiquities, with a special passion for puzzle boxes. You've been searching for one particular box for a long time, but perhaps this box is better left unfound. |
Building, by Poster Average member rating: |
Child's Play, by Stephen Granade Average member rating: It is playgroup day and playgroup day is normally a good day but ever since that little red-haired girl started coming she always wants your toys. She shouldn't get your toys. You tried telling the mom this... |
A Cock and Bull Story, by Theodore "Ted" C. Lim Average member rating: This game is still in its beta-stages. Any volunteers willing to donate their time for beta-testing would be greatly appreciated. |
Dangerous Curves, by Irene Callaci Average member rating: “Los Angeles, California. City of Angels.” “Not so fast, Sherlock; I’m no angel.” She pauses, the cigarette poised an inch from her lips. A stray beam of sunlight leaks from a broken slat in the... |
Degeneracy, by Leonard Richardson Average member rating: The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads... |
Disenchantment Bay, by Jacqueline A Lott (with a head start from Emily Short) Average member rating: From the about text: "The Inform 7 examples collectively known as Disenchantment Bay were born of a trip that Emily Short made with Dan Shiovitz to Alaska to visit me and Sam Kabo Ashwell, many years ago.... |
The Dreamhold, by Andrew Plotkin Average member rating: The Dreamhold is interactive fiction — a classic text adventure. No graphics! No point-and-click! You type your commands, and read what happens next. The Dreamhold is designed for people who have never... |
Dungeon Detective, by Wonaglot Average member rating: You're a gnoll. Whether that's a blessing or a curse is up to you. Unlike other gnolls, you're trying to eke out a simple existence by plying your trade - that of the world's first Dungeon Detective. Amass... |
Dungeon Detective 2: Devils and Details, by Wonaglot Average member rating: The life of the world's first Dungeon Detective isn't exactly glamorous. You've spent many nights hungry, sleeping in the woods. But word is getting out, and the newest case has showed up at the foot of your... |
Earth And Sky 3: Luminous Horizon, by Paul O'Brian Average member rating: |
The Eidolon's Escape, by Mark Clarke Average member rating: For untold years you have been trapped, a spirit without a body, incarcerated by an evil mage. Finally your chance has come to free yourself and escape. Run wild in a body-swapping, race against time to... |