Ratings by Blooky22

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Oppositely Opal, by Buster Hudson
Blooky22's Rating:

The Magpie Takes the Train, by Mathbrush
Blooky22's Rating:

Dr Ludwig and the Devil, by SV Linwood
Blooky22's Rating:

Assembly, by Ben Kirwin
Blooky22's Rating:

The Wizard Sniffer, by Buster Hudson
Blooky22's Rating:

Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest
Blooky22's Rating:

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
Blooky22's Rating:

City of Secrets, by Emily Short
Blooky22's Rating:

Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Blooky22's Rating:

9:05, by Adam Cadre
Blooky22's Rating:

Junior Arithmancer, by Mike Spivey
Blooky22's Rating:

According to Cain, by Jim Nelson
Blooky22's Rating:

A Beauty Cold and Austere, by Mike Spivey
Blooky22's Rating:

Eat Me, by Chandler Groover
Blooky22's Rating:

Toby's Nose, by Chandler Groover
Blooky22's Rating:

Will Not Let Me Go, by Stephen Granade
Blooky22's Rating:

Shade, by Andrew Plotkin
Blooky22's Rating:

The Dreamhold, by Andrew Plotkin
Blooky22's Rating:

Galatea, by Emily Short
Blooky22's Rating:

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Blooky22's Rating:

Spider and Web, by Andrew Plotkin
Blooky22's Rating:

Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
Blooky22's Rating:

Violet, by Jeremy Freese
Blooky22's Rating:

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