Ratings by wisprabbit

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Dilemma, by Leonora
wisprabbit's Rating:

StupidRPG, by Steven Richards
wisprabbit's Rating:

Birmingham IV, by Peter Emery
wisprabbit's Rating:

Instruction Set, by Jared Jackson
wisprabbit's Rating:

Diddlebucker!, by J. Michael
wisprabbit's Rating:

Linear Love, by Tom Delanoy
wisprabbit's Rating:

Murder at the Manor, by Obter9
wisprabbit's Rating:

Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night!, by Mike Carletta
wisprabbit's Rating:

Sugarlawn, by Mike Spivey
wisprabbit's Rating:

The Secret of Nara, by Ralfe Rich
wisprabbit's Rating:

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