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by Chet Rocketfrak

Inform 7

(based on 20 ratings)
Estimated play time: 10 minutes (based on 1 vote)
Members voted for the following times for this game:
  • 10 minutes: "I think I had fully explored everything by this point" — Adam Biltcliffe
6 reviews19 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

ToiletWorld: it's time to enter... the world of toilets.


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 20 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 6

3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
I have to pipe up about this one, October 1, 2016
Related reviews: IF Comp 2016, toilets

Here I sit, brokenhearted by a game which utterly failed to bowl me over. I only logged a few minutes before realizing there was squat to do; the author seems to have pooped out before adding most of the content, and what little he did manage to push out was pretty corny. The game is flush with mentions of toilets-within-toilets, like turduckens, and they appear in loo of any actual story, jokes, or puzzles.

In a word, it's shitty.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
in which I break this game's perfect record, October 21, 2019
by matt w (Matt Weiner) (Burlington, VT)

This is a blatant troll game, yes. But it's an excellent troll game, with a fair amount of care put into making sure that you can do what there is to do in the game--which is enter various toilets--and that you get to see the prose in it--which is full of self-conscious TODO notes, rooms named things like "FirstToiletFirstToiletFirstToilet," and sentences like "You can see mineral deposits on the walls, like the sort of mineral deposits that would result from years of flushing hard water with a mineral content at or above 0.5g/L, which is the typical sedimentary limit for residential water supplies."

Not on the level of Pick Up The Phone Booth and Die or Annoyotron, but a worthy addition to the troll genre.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A troll game, written in z-code, May 7, 2017*

Z-machine games are less and less frequent each year, because Inform defaults to glulx. This comp still had several z-machine games though, but I'm not sure why.

Anyway, that means that the author of this game has probably had Inform for a while. Given that that's the case, this is a pretty disappointing troll game. There are only a couple of rooms, few items, etc.

* This review was last edited on May 10, 2017
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1 Off-Site Review

The Breakfast Review
All right. So the world is full of, ah, plumbing fixtures (toilets) as well as being a giant plumbing fixture (toilet) and the room descriptions are full of "to do" notes, which I believe are meant to be humorous rather than actual "to do" notes. Even if the things to be done haven't been done. I have nothing that wants doing, and exploration feels just slightly more interesting than watching paint dry, but less than watching paint peel off the walls.
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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: October 1, 2016
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 0DAC4931-3BFE-4ABC-A0FD-04B035B1449B
TUID: jax8qpmmfac43gdn

Referenced in Toiletworld Omega, by Brian Kwak

Toiletworld on IFDB


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