Polls with votes for Walker & Silhouette

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Best Steampunk games - 19 votes for 6 games; created June 20, 2014
A poll by Alyssa Barstow
Looking for Steampunk style games- something with the flair of the Fallen London text game or a story like Incarceron. Can be any length.

Plot-driven Narrative - 30 votes for 20 games; created May 25, 2014
A poll by Jerako
I'm looking for a list of games to try where the narrative is the focus of the game. Where the author is really trying to tell a story...

Lost Pig type puzzle complexity - 21 votes for 14 games; created April 10, 2013
A poll by Mostly Useless
I haven't played a lot of IF, as I'm often put off by what are (for me) difficult puzzles. Without doubt the most satisfaction I've had...

Achievements, catch them all and other stuff. - 17 votes for 10 games; created March 13, 2013
A poll by Xionix
Looking for some IF with achievements, like, collect the 50 golden coins, or if you type 20 wrong commands you get the newbie...

Comfort Food IF - 32 votes for 21 games; created June 11, 2012
A poll by Molly
Lately I've been chasing away the blues by playing through my IF backlog. This made me wonder, what IF do you play as a pick-me-up? Maybe...

PC's personality integrated with the story - 85 votes for 42 games; created March 27, 2012
A poll by JasonMel
I would like to be able to recommend to someone many examples of interactive fiction in which the player character is far from a cipher...

No Mazes, please! - 42 votes for 25 games; created October 10, 2011
A poll by AndyC
I am a returning player to IF (which I loved 30 years ago) having recently discovered the fantastic Frotz for the iPad. Looking at some...

Romance Games - 78 votes for 28 games; created February 3, 2009
A poll by Molly
In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm looking for games that deal with romance and relationships.

Games for Beginners - 288 votes for 75 games; created November 11, 2008
A poll by WriterBob
I'm looking for games that are suited for adults who are new to IF. My purpose is to share these games with friends and let them get...

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