Polls with votes for Photopia

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Games for iPhone or other mobile devices - 12 votes for 12 games; created March 26, 2010
A poll by DenniaDale
This is simple and I'm sure the list will grow as new games are developed, but what IF games are available for the iPhone, or like...

Games with an abrupt and unexpected ending twist - 75 votes for 27 games; created December 13, 2009
A poll by dutchmule
I'm looking for games which, as in a lot of short stories, feature a sudden and unexpected revelation/twist at the very end of the game,...

No map necessary - 68 votes for 40 games; created December 1, 2009
A poll by Divide
Pieces which can be fully enjoyed without drawing map, ideally without taking any notes whatsoever. Ones which you could play on a bus,...

Games with Impossible-to-film moments - 26 votes for 15 games; created November 5, 2009
A poll by aaronius
I'm looking for games that demonstrate the power of text-based games. Games with sentences that would make developers of 3D games weep,...

Fate vs Free Will Games - 22 votes for 17 games; created October 2, 2009
A poll by loocas
I imagine that the interactive nature of IF would allow themes of fate and free will to be used powerfully. Perhaps the PC is given a...

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' - 49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?

Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) - 224 votes for 68 games; created July 12, 2009
A poll by Sasha Davidovna
I'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...

Games with extraordinary "wow" moments - 58 votes for 22 games; created July 7, 2009
A poll by J'onn Roger
If there is a moment in a game that stands out to you with vivid clarity, a moment of extraordinary beauty with writing that makes you...

Must-play games - 309 votes for 60 games; created March 26, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...

Vivid games - 137 votes for 47 games; created March 8, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I'm looking for games that evoked strong feelings or strong mental images that stayed with you long after you finished the games.

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