Polls with votes for Photopia

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Plot-driven Narrative - 30 votes for 20 games; created May 25, 2014
A poll by Jerako
I'm looking for a list of games to try where the narrative is the focus of the game. Where the author is really trying to tell a story...

Games that show everyday life - 51 votes for 26 games; created February 24, 2014
A poll by Sam Jackson
I'm looking for preferably short games that focus on part of someone's life in our world and preferably our time. I would like games with...

Must-Play IFs for learning to write IFs - 13 votes for 7 games; created March 24, 2013
A poll by Tondo
So I'm fairly new to IFs in general, but I've been enjoying reading some of the IFs on this site. Now I want to get my feet wet a bit,...

IF that purposely conceals crucial player character information - 65 votes for 21 games; created October 28, 2012
A poll by Puddin Tame
IF that doesn't explicitly clue players in on knowledge they would/should have if they actually were the player character (The...

IF for wannabe Authors - 12 votes for 10 games; created September 26, 2012
A poll by SinfoolGamer
For all the wannabe IF Authors out there, what games would you recommend they play/research? Hopefully looking for multiple types (best &...

Neil Armstrong Commemorative Space Poll - 34 votes for 17 games; created August 25, 2012
A poll by Joey Jones
I'm hankering to play a good space-themed game. That is to say, a game not necessarily set in space, but a game that is in some way about...

I am new to interactive fiction, could anyone recommend a game for me? - 38 votes for 21 games; created August 19, 2012
A poll by Urtikor
Hello, I just recently came across interactive fiction and I want to try it out and see if it's my kind of thing. I tried Dreamhold for...

Sublime Moments - 111 votes for 57 games; created May 19, 2011
A poll by Sam Kabo Ashwell
I've been thinking about games that provide really brilliant moments. This is not about the overall quality of the game: there are plenty...

Games That Changed Your Mind - 16 votes for 15 games; created December 1, 2010
A poll by Ghalev
Before you played X, you never thought you'd like horror games. Before you played Y, you never thought you could take a game with a...

Emotional IF - 65 votes for 27 games; created April 8, 2010
A poll by Sorrel
I'm looking for IF that inspires one or more strong emotions in the player – an IF that pulls on your heartstrings a little.

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