Recommended Lists mentioning Endless, Nameless

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IFDB Top 100 - 100 items   July 22, 2024
A list by Pegbiter
An automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...

Free IF Playoffs - 64 items   June 13, 2024
A list by OtisTDog
A fan-driven tournament held at between the 64 highest-rated games on IFDB as of June 7, 2024.

IF for Japanese visual novel fans - 31 items   May 26, 2024
A list by Kastel
A bunch of my friends into Japanese visual novels asked me repeatedly over the months about my IF recommendations. I should actually...

Dueling With Dragons - 13 items   March 27, 2024
A list by Walter Sandsquish
Dragons are a favorite in fantastic fiction, but they don't get as much love in I.F. as they used to. So, here's a list of games that...

2023 Alternative Top 100 - 100 items   September 18, 2023
A list by Denk
(18sep2023) This is an alternative to other rating based lists with pros and cons in that it allows for games with fewer ratings (5...

Favorite IF Authors (represented by games) - 14 items   March 21, 2023
A list by Denk
This list does not include authors, where I have only played one of their games. Thus great games such as Anchorhead and Blue Lacuna are...

2020 Alternative Top 100 - 101 items   January 25, 2023
A list by Denk
(Created 24-Jul-2020) The purpose of this list is not to compete with the IFDB Top 100 but to provide an alternative view, which makes...

My Top Ten List - 11 items   October 17, 2019
A list by MathBrush
This list is of my top 10 favorite games that I can also recommend to everyone. (Former items on this list included Anchorhead, Theatre,...

Opus Ignored: Big games that didn't take off - 14 items   August 20, 2017
A list by MathBrush
It happens over and over: an author spends hundreds of hours on a game, often setting up a commercial company, and then releases it to...

Favorites (well-built) - 14 items   October 1, 2016
A list by Xuan Li

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