Recommended Lists mentioning Vespers

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IFDB Top 100 - 100 items   September 23, 2024
A list by Pegbiter
An automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...

Some of my favorites - 29 items   December 5, 2021
A list by OverThinking
In alphabetical order

Interactive Fiction Competition Winners - 31 items   January 4, 2021
A list by RichCheng
These are the games that won First Place honours in the IFComp each year.

Medical games - 16 items   April 19, 2020
A list by MathBrush
These are games that have a medical theme of some sort, including medical simulators, medical horror, and games featuring doctors. Feel...

Thoughtful Games - 4 items   April 1, 2016
A list by ToALonelyPeace
provoking, intriguing games I have played

Good games - 9 items   March 8, 2015
A list by Simon Deimel
This is a list of games that affected me. Their contents had a certain impact on me and kept my mind busy even some time after I had...

Must try - 36 items   February 3, 2014
A list by Kku2611
I am new to IF and collect all of the recommended games under a list for future consulting.

The Best of the Best - 6 items   December 30, 2013
A list by bluevelvetwings
Whether because of amazing writing, immersive plot, unique atmosphere, or whatever else, these are the games I personally consider the...

For Ash - 13 items   October 20, 2012
A list by Keita
Games I'd think she'd enjoy.

My Favourite Literary IF - 5 items   May 11, 2012
A list by Janos Honkonen
These are my favourite games which I consider to be more story than puzzle based.

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