Recommended Lists mentioning Vespers
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 2 >> | Next | Show AllIFDB Top 100 - 100 items
March 31, 2025A list by
PegbiterAn automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...
Some of my favorites - 29 items
December 5, 2021A list by
OverThinkingIn alphabetical order
Interactive Fiction Competition Winners - 32 items
January 4, 2021A list by
RichChengThese are the games that won First Place honours in the IFComp each year.
Medical games - 16 items
April 19, 2020A list by
MathBrushThese are games that have a medical theme of some sort, including medical simulators, medical horror, and games featuring doctors. Feel...
Thoughtful Games - 4 items
April 1, 2016A list by
ToALonelyPeaceprovoking, intriguing games I have played
Good games - 9 items
March 8, 2015A list by
Simon DeimelThis is a list of games that affected me. Their contents had a certain impact on me and kept my mind busy even some time after I had...
Must try - 36 items
February 3, 2014A list by
Kku2611I am new to IF and collect all of the recommended games under a list for future consulting.
The Best of the Best - 6 items
December 30, 2013A list by
bluevelvetwingsWhether because of amazing writing, immersive plot, unique atmosphere, or whatever else, these are the games I personally consider the...
For Ash - 13 items
October 20, 2012A list by
KeitaGames I'd think she'd enjoy.
My Favourite Literary IF - 5 items
May 11, 2012A list by
Janos HonkonenThese are my favourite games which I consider to be more story than puzzle based.
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