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Mirror and Queen

by Chandler Groover profile

Inform 7

About the Story

Your mirror never lies.

A puzzleless reflection. Fifteen to forty minutes.

Page Update History

v.16: 19-Nov-2016 11:17 - Keltena (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs
v.15: 26-Nov-2021 21:40 - David Welbourn
Changed download links
v.14: 04-May-2021 22:33 - Zape
Changed license type
v.13: 07-Jan-2021 06:53 - autumnc
Changed external review links
v.12: 08-Sep-2018 13:19 - Greg Frost
Changed version number
v.11: 21-Nov-2017 16:30 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.10: 03-Nov-2017 21:13 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.9: 22-Nov-2016 14:41 - Doug Orleans
Changed download links
v.8: 22-Nov-2016 14:40 - Doug Orleans
Changed download links
  v.7: 19-Nov-2016 11:17 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.6: 18-Nov-2016 20:53 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.5: 20-Oct-2016 15:28 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.4: 13-Oct-2016 08:14 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.3: 06-Oct-2016 15:27 - CMG
Changed external review links
v.2: 01-Oct-2016 18:37 - CMG
Changed cover art, publication date, genre, forgiveness
v.1: 01-Oct-2016 18:00 - verityvirtue
Created page

7 Off-Site Reviews

The Breakfast Review
The game is primarily interesting for what it has to say about the queen's situation and what we can take away from it, not for what we can cause to happen within the game world.
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Doug's World
For an open-input game, this is highly accessible. On the flip side, this game design does not provide for the highest level of player agency or branched path story telling. But if you accept that, "Mirror and Queen" is a solid piece of writing.
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Hannah Powell-Smith
I really enjoyed this. Between the lush writing and unflinching look into the Queen’s psychological state, not to mention the court wheeler-dealing and ruthless aristocracy, it was just my cup of tea. Fairytales can be a hard sell, but this really suited me. I almost want something more from the world and characters, to be able to escape the game’s boundaries... but, after all, we know how this story ends.
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Es una obra impresionante que me dejó muy emocionado en sus primeros turnos. Sencillamente por el concepto en sí mismo. Cada vez que el espejo habla se lanza el parser pidiendo al jugador que indique de qué tema quiere hablar, una sola palabra, a lo sumo dos, y el espejo responde, siempre, siempre la verdad.
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Kirjallinen Suunnistaja
Kuningatar puhuu peilille, joka vastaa hänelle mielipuolisin vuodatuksin. Tekstikenttään voi kirjoittaa mitä tahansa ja teos vastaa parhaansa mukaan: aina nyrjähtäneesti ja uusia ajatusuria avaten. Tekstiparserin käyttö on Mirror and Queenissä äärimmäisen yksinkertaista ja vapaata samaan aikaan.
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Old Games Italia
Poiché il tutto si basa su singole parole da inserire, l'esperienza è molto user friendly, ma di conseguenza anche molto limitante. Mirror and Queen però funziona molto bene lo stesso, perché è scritto divinamente. Perché le immagini sono forti, ma si appoggiano sempre a una introspezione vera e realistica della figura della regina.
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T.L. Bodine
The game is introspective by design. You don’t really do anything; you just think over things, in rich imagery and evocative glimpses. The prose leaves plenty of gaps around the edges for your imagination to fill in, rather than leading you by the hand.
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Game Details