
by Art Canfil

Historical, Travel
Inform 6

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Primitive resource management that doesn't hold up, January 9, 2025
by Cerfeuil (*Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personnel, Kid)

The IFDB description says "former commercial", which is amazing because I wouldn't pay for this in a million years. It's a very primitive resource management parser game. Now, there can be good resource management parser games like Olivia's Orphanoirium, but this isn't it. Gameplay consists of buying and selling goods at different cities to make a profit, with some bells and whistles attached, but not many. Quickly it became repetitive and boring, in part due to the lack of descriptions for anything I was doing. Nothing but numbers and barebones text. The concept is interesting, but this hardly does a good job of making you really feel like an 1800s merchant in Asia. Stopped playing after less than 20 minutes.

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Wade Clarke, January 9, 2025 - Reply
I'm partly surprised this game is on IFDB. It could fall broadly into IF's big bowl today, but nobody ever thought of it in the same breath as anything else you'd have called IF in the 80s - it's a trading and strategy game, and had some graphics in its original form. It looks like it was ported to I6 back when doing novel ports was kind of fashionable, and still about two decades after the game was new. It was a hit on the Apple II, probably on the TRS80 too, and Steve Wozniak's favourite game at some point. I doubt it'd be much fun in Inform 6.
Cerfeuil, January 10, 2025 - Reply
That explains a lot! That the original had graphics would make it a lot more interesting, I imagine. Thanks for telling me.
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