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by IllestPreacha


1 review

About the Story

Made for Dialogue Jam in Twine.What if two people just wanted to talkAs they walkAs they wanted to do ActivitiesAnd let each other know their personalitiesWhat if at times it made no sensebut within that , it made senses in this context.That is ConversatinalRumblings


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Let's do this! no, that! or maybe this?, May 14, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: dialoguejam

ConversationalRumblings is a short cyclical Twine piece about two people looking for an activity to do and talking about it. Between going to the movies or make ceramics, listening to music or going to the club, or maybe just chill and make some poems, the two will ramble on bouncing from one activity to the next, never ending.
The way they interact with one another, I wouldn’t want to be friend with either of them…

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