To Sea in a Sieve

by J. J. Guest profile

Episode 1 of The Curse of Captain Booby
Comedy, pyratical yarn

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Comedy one room pirate parser game, January 4, 2024
by Vivienne Dunstan (Dundee, Scotland)

Next up this parser game, which turns out to be a tight time-based puzzler about how to survive a sinking ship, and successfully throw a lot of pirate loot overboard despite the wishes of your pirate Captain and so much else.

I liked a lot about this. The writing is really funny. I also had a lot of “Aha!” moments (e.g. when I realised I could type (Spoiler - click to show)BAIL - yup a bit slow here!). For a one room game it’s remarkably full of detail and content, and so much that is amusing. I had honestly thought I might find the pirate stuff a bit much and overwhelming (!?!), but it was so amusingly written, and the balance of it all is perfect. The anguish of the Captain each time I managed to successfully throw something overboard was just a joy to read.

There were a few things that made the game extra tricky though, trying to find the right command to make the parser understand. For those I ended up having to use the HINT command to figure out exactly what to say. There was some frustration there, including sadly at the very end of the game.

But overall it was a really strong game. I didn’t realise there was another one in the same series (a sequel to this!) written long ago. I need to check that out now too …

Also kudos to the author for including one of my favourite musical instruments in this game. One day I will own my own. Oh yes!

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