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Mystery Manor

by Dana Crane

(based on 1 rating)
1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

"You have been driving down this dusty dirt road for nearly 45 minutes now, when a light rain begins to fall. You have spent the past two hours driving on the interstate, and are anxious to get to the manor, which you purchased at a reduced rate. It seems that it has been on the market for a few years, and no one was even interested in it the house, because of the strange disappearance of the family that lived there.

You go through the stories in your mind about the family that lived here. You dismiss all the stories you have heard about the family being abducted by aliens, walking away from their lives, a crazy murderer killing them and eating their rotting flesh. It is all nonsense to you. You'll have pleanty of time to go through the house, and just maybe you'll find out the truth." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]


Ratings and Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An old adrift game with spooky music but bad implementation, July 9, 2017*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a game with a big map but only 2 or 3 puzzles. You explore a creepy house (with some timed text effects at the beginning, creepy music/sound effects, and a popup image in the middle that's not supposed to be scary).

I ran this on Adrift 3.9. Like all adrift games, it has major problems. This game also has big text dumps.

* This review was last edited on July 16, 2017
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1 Off-Site Review

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

I played this game on Halloween. I was alone in the house. The lights were off. There was a full moon outside. I was experiencing an eerie lull in the trick-or-treating. I could not have been more primed to be creeped out, frightened, and made into a paranoid wreck. Sadly, even when conditions are perfect, this game falls far short of effectiveness in the creep-out arena. The only thing that's really scary about it is its writing... It's too bad this game didn't give out points every time I spotted an error, because if it did, I think I'd have earned 524,000 points out of a possible 200, earning me the rank of Gibbering Grammarian.
See the full review


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