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by 30x30 profile


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About the Story

Created for Neointeractive's Revival Jam- a short game jam about bringing back themes and constraints from older game jams to create small interactive fiction games - using the constraints of Neointeractive's Neo-Twiny Jam to create a work of interactive fiction in 500 words or less.

A love letter to many things - vast empty spaces, the mythology of journeys, the love of my life, poorly constructed poetry, and the forces of nature - soujourn is precisely 494 words in length and has neither end nor beginning.


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review A journey through the things we love., April 2, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: revivaljam

sojourn is a micro interactive story, with a very intriguing way of formatting its text. Rather than having a clear beginning or end, the game lets you interact with the different links to display further text, but never more than two blocks at a time. All the paragraphs are connected with one another through these links, and you must cycle through different block to be able to read everything.

As for the delectable prose, it is really “a love letter to many things” as the blurb informs us. At time melancholic, serious, mathematical, musical, or even cheesy, the different little paragraph describe the things that the author holds dear to their heart. It’s delightful, and I was gushing all the way through reading it!

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: March 20, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: Twine
IFID: D7DBDEB4-E5A3-486D-BBD0-B9441412547B
TUID: rhktrked9yrztfu

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