External Links

Play Six online
at the author's website. (note - the sound and music features are only supported offline)
Six Download Bundle *
Contains Six.gblorb
Also contains Demi's map, illustrated manual, cover image and release history.
Requires a Glulx interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Demi's map
Demi's map. Note that the map is already included in the download bundle.
ClubFloyd Transcript
Folks on IFMud played a group game of Release 2 of Six on December 4, 2011. This is a link to the transcript of their game. WARNING: TOTAL SPOILERDOM!
Inform 7 Source Code for release 5 *
Contains source.txt
Main Inform 7 (6G60) source code for release 5. The source won't compile because I haven't released the game's multimedia elements or custom extensions yet. You'll find the Creative Commons licence for the source, tech info and other help at the head of the source.
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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by Wade Clarke profile

Inform 7

About the Story

Your name is Harriet Leitner, and you and your twin sister Demi turned six this morning! You're having a fancy dress birthday party, and this afternoon you'll be playing Hide and Seek Tip over in the park. You can't wait to catch all your friends.

Page Update History

v.43: 14-Nov-2020 20:38 - MathBrush (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.42: 23-Jan-2024 14:47 - JTN
Changed IFIDs
v.41: 21-Feb-2023 09:02 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.40: 21-Feb-2023 08:22 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.39: 08-Dec-2022 02:05 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.38: 07-Dec-2022 03:59 - JTN
Changed download links
v.37: 17-Nov-2022 00:51 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.36: 26-Aug-2022 10:14 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.35: 03-Aug-2022 15:20 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.34: 26-May-2022 06:53 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.33: 02-Feb-2022 00:54 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.32: 02-Feb-2022 00:53 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.31: 02-Feb-2022 00:53 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.30: 18-Dec-2021 18:06 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.29: 10-Sep-2021 00:59 - Wade Clarke
Changed external review links
v.28: 10-Sep-2021 00:55 - Wade Clarke
Changed description, Web site URL, download links
v.27: 10-Sep-2021 00:52 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.26: 10-Sep-2021 00:52 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.25: 23-Jul-2021 06:14 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.24: 23-Jul-2021 06:13 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.23: 23-Jul-2021 06:12 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.22: 23-Jul-2021 06:10 - Wade Clarke
Changed description
v.21: 14-Nov-2020 20:41 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.20: 14-Nov-2020 20:39 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
  v.19: 14-Nov-2020 20:38 - Wade Clarke
Changed version number, download links
v.18: 01-Jul-2020 09:00 - Zape
Changed external review links
v.17: 17-May-2020 20:48 - Lance Campbell
Changed download links
v.16: 24-Jul-2017 01:02 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.15: 23-Jul-2017 01:00 - Wade Clarke
Changed version number, download links
v.14: 18-Mar-2015 06:42 - Keiya
Changed download links
v.13: 07-Mar-2015 20:56 - Wade Clarke
Changed Web site URL
v.12: 07-Jan-2015 01:48 - Wade Clarke
Changed Web site URL
v.11: 22-Jul-2014 10:24 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.10: 23-Aug-2012 13:17 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.9: 05-Aug-2012 07:14 -
Changed version number
v.8: 03-Apr-2012 09:52 - Wade Clarke
Changed external review links
v.7: 03-Apr-2012 09:50 - Wade Clarke
Changed external review links
v.6: 25-Jan-2012 00:27 - Wade Clarke
Changed version number
v.5: 17-Jan-2012 07:23 - Wade Clarke
Changed download links
v.4: 08-Dec-2011 20:08 - Wade Clarke
Changed version number, download links
v.3: 08-Dec-2011 20:07 - Wade Clarke
Changed Web site URL, download links
v.2: 26-Oct-2011 09:21 - Wade Clarke
Changed cover art, license type, language, forgiveness, author
v.1: 26-Oct-2011 07:03 - David Welbourn
Created page

2 Off-Site Reviews

Delicious Icing, Even Better Cake
"...The game presents its PC's perspective in a very matter-of-fact way, with very little adult sentimentality attached. The NPCs are well-drawn too, feeling like real children rather than hasty stereotypes. I thought the dialog rang especially true — as the parent of a six-year-old myself, I recognized the mix of quirkiness and practicality in the game's characters from my observations of the kids around me..." - Paul O'Brian
See the full review

XYZZY Awards
Essays on Six's setting, NPCs, implementation and supplemental materials
"Play is also central to Six, a lovingly crafted tale of hide and seek starring (naturally) six six-year-olds. As the birthday girl charged with finding and catching them all, your primary verbs of interaction are SEARCH, CHASE, and TIP (or tag), with some TALKing thrown in for good measure. While minimally painted, each hider has a distinct personality, usually broadcast through their chosen costume and reflected in their manner of speech." - Aaron Reed
See the full review

Game Details