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by PaperBlurt profile

(based on 6 ratings)
2 reviews8 members have played this game. It's on 10 wishlists.

About the Story

Alone/Awake is a short Twine game, or maybe rather an experiment.

A lonely astronaut with almost no oxygen left - striving to survive.
Or is it a story about two astronauts on a desolate planet?
The astronauts provides us with a warning, or rather their own tale of what transpired.

There was an idea of using animation in Twine by using stills and then use macros to animated them. Maybe to add something to the mood.

The only snafu was the poor drawings and flickering images, but that’s why people experiment..

Alone/Awake may, or may not, provide you with an experience of sorts.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 6 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Nice additions, January 1, 2014*
by Simon Deimel (Germany)

This is a quite short Twine story with additional animations.
The content is okay, a standard science fiction in a brief version. The prose is well written, its design successfully created the impression in me that the depicted incidents are a dream or a vague memory.
There were graphic elements in the form of easier animations included, and it has to be acknowledged that they are not parts taken from an exterior source but the author's own creation. It shows that the author tried to bring new aspects into a Twine game without resorting to materials of someone else.
There are different courses towards the ending, so the story can be played more than once. I would have given four stars if it had been a bit longer. But so far it is positively worth a try.

* This review was last edited on January 2, 2014
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An awesome built and good gameplay, November 13, 2014
Related reviews: graphical, loneliness, space

Another good game by PaperBurt. I've played their workday choices game, but this one is graphical.

Although the game warns you that the graphics are average, I personally found them well to integrate with the ambience of the game... Only misfit was the bearded guy looked more like a ship wrech than an astro guy.. but nevertheless it was fun...

I spent around 15mins but will definately play it again to explore other pathways..

thanks paperblurt for the title.

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1 Off-Site Review

Notch and Other Notables from Ludum Dare 28
A fantastic, thoughtful piece of IF featuring animations...
See the full review


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