| Average Rating: based on 563 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 44 |
- zharris70 (New York City), October 25, 2007
- Pseudo_Intellectual (Vancouver, Canada), October 25, 2007
- Hauston (Seattle, WA), October 24, 2007
- zer, October 24, 2007
- Sami Preuninger (New York City), October 23, 2007
- Eriorg (Switzerland), October 22, 2007
This is a work so hugely influential to IF development that anyone interested in the history of the form should try it: it experiments with non-linear presentation of time, menu-based conversation, and constrained game-play to support a specific plot. A number of its features look perfectly ordinary now, but were ground-breaking at the time. Photopia's particular form of menu conversation, for instance, was spun off into a library used in a number of other works.
How well does it work, beyond that? Opinions vary. Some people consider it the most moving piece of IF they've ever tried. I personally found it wavered between effective and manipulative, with the main character too saintly to be true. While it was worth playing, it is by no means my favorite piece of character-oriented IF story-telling.
- robkun (London, UK), October 21, 2007
- Brian Campbell, October 21, 2007
- Michael R. Bacon (New Mexico), October 20, 2007
- Gregory (USA), October 20, 2007
- yandexx (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), October 19, 2007
How could a game be exhausting when the puzzles are solvable?
I have not finished the game(yet?). I went as far as the school gym...
But having all these pieces of stories with no real solid link is overwhelming to keep in mind. The only attractive thing is the writing style...
There would be only two or three storylines, it would be nice, and maybe there is only three, who knows? THIS is the problem. (I must say I play with gargoyle, so I don't have the colored interface.)
Giving the fact that playing itself is not really fun I think I will give up.
But something wants me to continue, something wants me to see all the pieces come together at the end...
It is like suffering a long run to get a promised ice cream... but I am beginning to wonder about the taste of the ice cream.