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Talk to him about love

by auraes profile

(based on 2 ratings)
2 reviews2 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

It's a story about The King of Ravens, a troll and a pearl.
Kids, don't play this game: it was the Troll who guided my hand to write it and as he never went to school, there are a lot of syntax, grammar, spelling mistakes....

This game was written for the Adventuron CaveJam of September 2019.


6th Place - Adventuron CaveJam

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Whimsical and slightly-surreal..., January 23, 2020

'Talk to him about love' was written as part of a three-week game jam, where the participants used a relatively new text adventure system to create a traditional parser-driven experience with 8-bit style graphics.

This whimsical and quirky entrant featured some interesting offbeat and idiosyncratic puzzles. Although it is quite easy to find yourself stuck at points, if you read the text carefully you should spot the author's subtle hints of what to try next.

After making a surreal exit from a dungeon, you'll find yourself rapidly heading towards the end of this short, but enjoyable game. Will you get the good ending and maximum points, though?

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
I'm a bit baffled, but I can't hate it, January 31, 2023
by Andrew Schultz (Chicago)
Related reviews: Adventuron 2019 CaveJam

TTHAL has a noble, unusual goal for a Cave Jam setting: awaken a stone troll and bring him back to life! This is where the "love" comes in. There's not a lot of talking, though. However, there is lots of fourth-wall humor, including a memo that keeps flying away when you examine it. Finding it several times helps you progress through the story. There's also a key you have to lose and find again, as well as baby birds you have to kill, but not really.

It's all a bit of a trip to me. The main thing to remember going through the game is that if something disappears, it's probably in a location where nothing has happened yet. Bonus points are dispensed oddly, for finding walls that aren't described and some guess-the-verb that makes moderate sense in retrospect, once you realize what the author was going for.

Still, this game broke me pretty quickly. I had trouble following the story, simple though it was, and there seemed to be a moral message (you become king of the ravens for a bit but worry you are evil). And i learned to expect that even taking an item in front of you is fraught with silly risks. Indeed, just being able to take something and have it, or me, stay as-is was a great surprise.

Later versions seem to have curbed some excesses, such as the deep mine that used to be 1000 levels (you jumped from 20 to 30, then 100 to 200, but still, it's nice they cut it down). This one needs a walkthrough to appreciate the jolly graphics. It seems very good-hearted. But some of the jumps are a bridge too far for me without more in-depth explanation.

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