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leave the lights on

by Naarel

Episode Blue of Red-Blue-Green Light Trilogy

(based on 1 rating)
1 review5 members have played this game.

About the Story

This story features sexual content (so, it's NSFW). It touches upon issues of objectification, abusive relationship dynamics, victim blaming (centered on self) and degradation in sexual context.

Is it wrong to feel so empty without you? If you really hurt me, why do I miss you? Aren't people supposed to hate their abusers?

Ratings and Reviews

Write a review leave the lights on, June 21, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

leave the lights on is the sequel of let the lights bleed, a sort of continuation from the previous entry, where your abusive partner left you, and you find yourself completely alone, questioning yourself and your actions. Feeling cold (because you are alone), you leave the lights on to keep yourself company, or trick yourself into thinking he will come back. Though your situation has improved (in some fashion), you still struggle with the conflicting feelings and consequences of the abuse (like gaslighting was like… strong there). It portrays sensibly and raw some of the complex aspects of being a survivor of abuse.

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