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Lysidice and the Minotaur

by manonamora profile


(based on 5 ratings)
5 reviews5 members have played this game. It's on 4 wishlists.

About the Story

You are Lysidice, a young Athenian maiden prisoner of the labyrinth. Though you are under the protection of the minotaur, you know your luck is bound to run out. And when he shows up...

So you will need to escape the maze, if you want (him) to survive...


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Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 5
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3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Mythological game set in a complex labyrinth , May 5, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This game was part of the Text Adventure Literacy Jam, which requires a tutorial and asks authors to make games appropriate for newcomers.

The tutorial in this game was, I thought, as long as the whole game, as it was very complex, involving following a complex recipe. I was surprised to find out there was more after, and quite a bit!

This is one of the longer Adventuron games I've seen in a while, not as big as Faeries of Haelstowne, for instance, but it took me around an hour or more.

You play as an Athenian maiden trapped in the labyrinth with the minotaur. But...he's actually a very nice minotaur. And he needs your help!

The gameplay and story reminded me of Bronze by Emily Short in a way, with an injured beast man that you have to care for. But this is a more positive game, and contains many references to Greek Mythology.

One thing I liked about this game was that it has a lot of optional side quests, meaning that if you are having trouble you can just leave, but if you're enjoying yourself and want more of a challenge you can attempt the other quests.

There are a lot of hints and things.

I had several parser frustrations, many of which were just due to having a complex project in Adventuron, in my opinion (I had a big Adventuron project that had similar issues). I passed on everything I found to the author, though, and I didn't have much trouble completing the game in the end.

I liked the storyline overall, and felt it was a good spin on mythology and I loved the synergy between me and the minotaur. Glad I played.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Lovely game with a lovely sidekick, May 31, 2024
by Dee Cooke
Related reviews: TALP Jam 2024

This Adventuron game is based on Greek mythology - and set in a maze! But it’s a fun maze. Trust me.

The gameplay is nice and simple for beginners while still providing a fun challenge due to the maze, which is very satisfying to map. The game is well documented for anyone who gets stuck, with a walkthrough and map available on the Itch page.

There are a few points with confusing wording or clunky responses, but on the whole the implementation is solid.

I really felt the kind nature of the Minotaur and his lovely relationship with the player character; this is very nicely done for a mute character. It’s also great that there are optional subplot puzzles that you can do to get slightly different endings (though I think it would have been good to make at least one of them mandatory, as it’s a shame for players to miss out).

A really lovely and fun game!

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Minotaur Escape Room, July 17, 2024

Without a doubt, this is the best parser the author has released until now. The take on Lysidice's character on the Minotaur mythology was a unique and enjoyable one.

What I mean by "unique" take is MC's (Lysidice's) relationship with the Minotaur. In the original myth, she is one of the sacrificial victims sent to Minotaur, and interestingly enough, Theseus's aunt, the hero who killed the Minotaur. In the game though, their relationship could literally be called the "Beauty and the Beast", with the Minotaur helping and "protecting" her.

Unlike, other parsers, due to the setting being a literal maze, an escape room-like "technique" is used not only to introduce the maze puzzles (which work similarly to "The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt"), but also to introduce characters like Daedalus and Eriboa, the labyrinth's creator (Icarus's father) and the "Alôids' jealous stepmother who snitched on them about the location where they had jailed Ares".

Interestingly enough, her step-brats, Otus and Ephialtes's names are translated as "ear" and "he who jumps upon" (nightmare also), which could be linked to the whole passage on how MC struggles and solves the last obstacle to her freedom. These brats symbolize the scary surrounding of the maze which was confining Lysidice (here) similarly to how the brats tried to capture the goddesses (failed) and confined Ares in a bronze jar for thirteen months.

To be honest, the story was quite good, but I feel it was kind of a missed opportunity not introducing more characters from greek mythology, as the character explores the maze, making it kind of a "Explore the Greek Mythology" kind of maze.

Note for future players: If played on a Firefox browser on a phone, there's no problem with the UI, but on PC I recommend using Chrome or any other browser other than Firefox.

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