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by Georgina Sinclair and Michael Bywater


About the Story

Every silver lining has a cloud...


... things start getting even worse. He gets run over by a bus. Sprayed with cheese sandwich by a supernatural being. Smashed against a tunnel by a speeding train. He falls from two thousand feet into an artificial waterfall. He gets drunk, drowned and cursed. He gets incinerated, widdled on, folded,bent, spindled, mutilated and generally mucked about with.

And in return ?

In return he gets the leading role in a perplexing, hilarious race against time and chance, set in a jinxed land menaced by the impending death of good fortune.

Who are we talking about? Who is holding this box?

You guessed it.

Look on the bright side. It could be your luckiest move yet. Jinxter comes from Magnetic Scrolls, authors of international award-winning adventures The Pawn and The Guild of Thieves. It's more than a collection of crossword puzzles; it's a whole universe, where things behave as they do in the real world... with some alarming exceptions. Don't expect tiresome trolls, obvious orcs, silly spells and wet, wimpish witches in JINXTER. Infuriating, enchanting, absurd and hilarious by turns, JINXTER will surprise you with every move you make.

But don't forget: every lining has a cloud...


Page Update History

v.6: 21-Sep-2024 03:48 - P-Tux7 (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed cross-references
v.5: 21-Jul-2021 01:42 - Lance Campbell
Changed download links
  v.4: 29-Jan-2013 15:59 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.3: 20-Nov-2010 14:12 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.2: 13-Jan-2009 13:36 - Fredrik
Changed external review links
v.1: 21-Feb-2008 19:24 - Emily Short
Created page

2 Off-Site Reviews


"Although you begin on home ground outside your own front gate, a little exploration soon takes you to more exotic locations. Snorkelling, mousecatching, negotiating artificial waterfalls and underground passages are skills which must be acquired in the course of the adventure. The descriptions are well crafted and absorbing to read. A great deal of work has gone into including even more details than in previous Magnetic Scrolls adventures; the EXAMINE command almost always yields an atmospheric and humorous reply.

Aquitania's characters are depicted realistically. Burly bakers and prim postmistresses are oblivious to the seriousness of your quest - they're far too busy with their own lives. To get them to break off and pay attention it is necessary to project your imagination towards their needs rather than your own. Interaction is often a matter of tactful co-operation."
See the full review

The problems, as with all Magnetic Scrolls games, are intriguing and range from easy to head-scratching. I found Jinxter a most enjoyable game apart from one thing - the ending and so far, I haven't found anyone who HAS been satisfied by it. However, ignoring that fact, it's a great game and well worth adding to your collection. And if you find people say "watchercallit" to you, you'll know they've got a copy too ...... narmean?
See the full review

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