| Average Rating: based on 6 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2 Write a review |
- EJ, January 27, 2024
- Zape, November 22, 2023
- Kastel, August 9, 2023
This is a Neo Twiny Jam Game, written in 500 words or less.
This game has a nice setup. You have a variety of alien ships you can target, each with a varying amount of health and damage. Attacking them nets you scrap, with which you can buy upgrades.
It's a cool idea and has some fun backstory, and looks like you can unlock more as you go on. But I will not see those, because it is too hard for me, even on easy mode.
For me, the issue is that if you're hit even once by the enemy, the damage they do is almost exactly equal to what you can heal with the rewards. That means at best you get no upgrades and exist in stasis, and at worst you slowly get damaged each turn. Someone suggested doing easy mode and buying a bunch of drones, but those got vaporized in one hit when I tried going up against a harvester.
So if it's a 'there is no hope' simulator, it works well, although some kind of 'give up' ending would be nice. But as a battle simulator, for me it is not one I can imagine trying more at.
- Cerfeuil (*Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personnel, Kid), July 3, 2023
- Edo, June 26, 2023
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