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Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance

by Steve Meretzky

Episode 2 of Spellcasting
Collegiate, Fantasy, Humor

(based on 8 ratings)
1 review

About the Story

Sorcerer University: Dangerously close to a real education!

Returning to SU for his sophomore year, Earnie Eaglebeak stumbles across the magical Appliance, survives pledge week, and romps through the bedrooms and barrooms, turrets and tunnels of Sorcerer University.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Better than the original in nearly every way but I couldn't enjoy it, May 11, 2019
by deathbytroggles (Minneapolis, MN)

While a technical improvement in every area over the first game in the series, including graphics, sound, and breadth, I just couldn’t put my heart into Spellcasting 201.

You continue to play the noble Ernie, this time returning for your sophomore year at Sorcerer University. You have been accepted into the “cool” fraternity and must survive initiation week. While your frat mates spend the entire week trying to ensure your demise, there is something more sinister occurring behind the scenes of the university that has farther-reaching consequences than your self-esteem. Of course you must save the day, save your reputation, and save several girls from chastity!

It would appear that your adventure is less linear this time around, as there are many more locations to visit and few are inaccessible at any given time. But unfortunately, there are so many rigidly timed puzzles that you really have no choice as to where you’re heading. If you don’t follow the strict outline, you will end up restoring your adventure several dozen times. And that’s just by the end of the first day. This choice of design is a shame as it detracts not only from continuity, but the ubiquitous humor that Meretzky sprinkles about campus. There’s really no time to enjoy the colorful world around you as you’re always having to rush to beat the clock.

If you don’t mind that style of gameplay, then you should love this game. I felt alienated.

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The following polls include votes for Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance:

Games with graphics and/or sound by eyesack
I couldn't find an easy way to search for this, so I figured I'd ask the hivemind: What games use graphics and/or sound to enhance the gameplay, similar to City of Secrets and Necrotic Drift?

Games with maps... by Xionix
I started playing Counterfeit Monkey, and I notice a good map is a way for us newbies to get into the game more easy. And I hate to draw so, are any other games that got a in-game map? It can be any genre.

games with magic by Xw
any game will do

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