
Member since March 6, 2020
Last visited December 2, 2021
Profile ID (TUID): dp9p3kjftgcsyert

Recommended Lists by Xw

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by Xw

role play/ toy games - 3 votes for 3 games; created March 6, 2020
any thing1

games with magic - 23 votes for 18 games; created March 6, 2020
any game will do

Reviews by Xw

This member hasn't written any reviews yet.

Xw's Play Lists

Played Games

This member hasn't added any games to his Played List yet.

Wish List

This member hasn't added any games to his Wish List yet.

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to his "Not Interested" List yet.