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The Art of Fugue

by Victor Gijsbers profile, Jimmy Maher profile, Dorte Lassen, and Johan

Inform 7

(based on 6 ratings)
1 review12 members have played this game. It's on 41 wishlists.

About the Story

A pure story-less puzzle game featuring logical puzzles based on the idea of the fugue: your commands are performed by four different actors, but with increasing delays. The version with music features Daniel Bautista's rendering of Beethoven's Grosse Fuge on electric guitars. (Music can be turned off and on in-game. Download links may stop working temporarily as the files get processed.)

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 6 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Brilliant Logic Puzzles, December 22, 2010
by Bernie (Fredericksburg, VA)

This game is completely story-less; it's a series of clever logic puzzles. I *LOVE* logic puzzles, especially tricky ones. In fact, a few of these had me tearing my hair out and I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun.

The goal of each puzzle is clearly stated in bold-type at the beginning of each puzzle, and stated again upon using the command "look". So, for example, the goal of the first puzzle is to get all the characters to ring a gong on the same turn. There are four characters in each puzzle (Een, Twee, Drie, and Vier). The trick to the game is that upon typing a command, Een will execute that command immediately, Twee will execute that command on the second turn, Drie on the third turn, and Vier on the fourth turn (hence the clever title of the game). There are 8 total puzzles in the game, and it is possible to move between puzzles if you become stuck. Unfortunately, I encountered a fatal error in the seventh puzzle and had to exit the game. However, I enjoyed the other 6 puzzles enough to award the game 4 stars.

For any like-minded puzzle-lovers out there who enjoy a bit of logic with their morning coffee, this game is highly recommended. The concept is original and a few of the puzzles are quite challenging. After solving each puzzle, the game tells you how many turns you took to solve the puzzle and the fewest number of turns in which the puzzle can be solved, which gives the game a modicum of replayability for anyone who wants the challenge of finding the optimal solution. The end of each game also offers the opportunity to display the actions you took so you can record your solution for later analysis. A hint for anyone playing it: Glulxe has a scrollback feature that is accessed from a button at the top of the screen. It's highly useful for discovering which actions are cued up for each character.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 11, 2010
Current Version: 1
License: GPL
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 2EF9B22E-3677-11DE-9CE2-0013D44E7D6C
TUID: 7hvoj3p9khotuqca

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