Member since October 24, 2007
Last visited December 5, 2020
Profile ID (TUID): v7obrtiv1slcrb3s
I've been heavily engaged in IF for just a few years, but have been playing since the early eighties. I edit the SPAG newsletter (; write occasional reviews in SPAG and elsewhere; developed and maintain the Filfre Z-Code and Glulx interpreter for Windows; wrote a rather long history of the form; and as of this writing have just completed my first full-length game, The King of Shreds and Patches. Information on all of the above can be found on my home page at Thanks for your curiosity about me, and if you have articles or ideas for articles that might of interest to SPAG readers please drop me a line.
The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher (2009) (78 ratings) January 14th Dear friend. My sojourn in parts foreign is at an ende. I am at lodgings in Southwark not far from the bridge at Stoney Street, come dine with me two days hence to ring in the newe... |
The Art of Fugue, by Victor Gijsbers, Jimmy Maher, Dorte Lassen, and Johan (2010) (6 ratings) A pure story-less puzzle game featuring logical puzzles based on the idea of the fugue: your commands are performed by four different actors, but with increasing delays. The version with music... |
See all 12 reviews by Jimmy Maher
See all ratings and reviews by Jimmy Maher