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The Revenge of Moriarty

by Gareth Pitchford profile


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

You are the world's most famous detective. After your recent successes on the continent you could've retired and spent your time engaged in academic research.

But for many years something has been bothering you. You felt as if a veil of darkness was descending over London. To anyone else the wave of unsolved, and often even unreported crimes, would appear unconnected. But you spotted patterns. You realised that they'd all been meticulously planned and directed by the same unknown hand.

You followed the threads of crime until the spider at the centre of the web was revealed. The mastermind behind it all. You vowed that you would not rest until he was stopped. You have worked tirelessly to this end these past few months. Now, the plan is in motion. The trap is in place. Soon the capital will be free of the menace that has plagued its streets for so long.

But he is aware. He knows you are poised to strike. He has put his own agents to work. He will be coming for you. You need to be ready.

Ratings and Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Fun Sherlock Holmes game with a little bit of guess-the-verb, October 1, 2020
by Denk
Related reviews: DAAD

This is a fun little game, which takes place in Sherlock Holmes' apartment. Professor Moriarty is out to get you, Sherlock. The game only has four locations. Still, it took me somewhere between 1 and 2 hours to complete it without hints, including a few guess the verb issues.

In the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, you will have to pay attention to details if you want to complete this game. I played the DAAD version using a c64-emulator. If you like Sherlock Holmes and parser games, I think you will like this. Quite fun!

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