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by Liza Daly profile

(based on 15 ratings)
2 reviews18 members have played this game. It's on 4 wishlists.

About the Story

"Teenage slumber party. Boys. Girls. Board game. Insight into intelligent-girl angst." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 15 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
Solid but flat, June 20, 2008

Bloodline is a short game where the protagonist (a 13 year old girl) has to make a single choice to win over a boy she is playing a game with. The game is called "Bloodline", hence the title of this game.

It's quite simple, offers three different endings (at least what I discovered while playing it) and the action advances with each turn, so the playtime is limited.

It offers several characters and enough details with good description to fill the scenery with life. It’s solid work, no obvious bugs but a little too short and simple for my liking.

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3 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
Like Old Cigarette Smoke, May 16, 2010*
by AmberShards (The Gothic South)

Although the Z-Files review nails the essence of the game, there's a few other aspects worth commenting upon.

Bloodline is probably the best use of the one-room game setup besides Marika the Offering. All of time telescopes to a single handful of fragmented seconds as you play a game with a guy you adore. It's not nearly that Romantic, of course.

The game is wildly inconsistent about the objectives of the main character. Is it to have a first kiss, or to get laid? Yes, 13-year olds totally like "going all the way" does happen, but that doesn't mean it's pleasant to participate in such a game. This is one of those situations where it'd be nice to know before playing what was in the game. (The game does not mention the main character's concerns about fitting in, although that could be a possible -- albeit poorly-worded -- conclusion that would also fight against her other comment.)

Outside of the profanity and the implications of sex, Bloodline captures the feeling of a slumber party well: the cliquishness, and the sudden emotional changes, particularly.

Finally, the pacing is lackluster, as the game really consists of only four turns at the end; everything else is simply waiting for your turn and additional cluing.

* This review was last edited on May 17, 2010
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1 Off-Site Review

If a Crinkly were to review this then they would complain about the blunt humour, absence of puzzles, obsession with the boy etc. As a teenager I found this to be a fun short piece of IF. My only problems with this game was the way that I had to be female and a few weird parser problems cropped up. [...] This game captures the style of teenage sleep overs, right down to the passing of notes.
-- Jarvist Frost
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One Room Non-Escape Games by tggdan3
I'm looking for a one room game, where the purpose is NOT to escape that one room. (Eliminating games such as Enlightenment, Suveh Nux, 69,105 keys, etc). I'm not sure if there even ARE many such games, but I would be interested in...

teeanagers by tiffanyfh
im a teen and i want games that are entertaining for people around my age (16) to play. i liked punk points for example something like that would be nice. thanks.

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