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Devlin Earnwile and the Missing Cookies

by Weirdobeardo89


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

Welcome to the world of Devlin Earnwile.

Usually I would put an 18+ warning here, but this game is quite PG. I will keep the adult tag though as some of you may know the backstory to these characters and this world from some of my other games.


Devlin has baked a tray of cookies and left them out to cool. After a bit of work in the garden she comes back into to kitchen to put them away in the cookie jar, but quickly realize they are all gone. Not even a crumb has been left behind! Join Devlin on a quest throughout the Earnwile manor as she tries to figure out where her cookies went!

Cover art and logo:

Cover art is a cartoonified (is that a word) edited collage made with gimp from old photos and assets. 
Main character drawn by my wife and over drawing on the background is done by my wife in ProCreate.
Made with GIMP.Music and sound effects:

Theme song is made and edited by myself in audacity, and originally composed by a musician friend who would rather remain anonymous.Part of the One Choice Game Jam!

Restrictions for this jam included:

Only one action may be taken per coded room, meaning any click of the UI will make you progress the story.

Only one multiple choice room allowed: once during the whole game you are allowed to make a more direct choice, leading to branching paths or endings.

Playtime: 15-30 minutes

No AI art

Game needs to be text focused

Open to NSFW as long as it is tagged.

Game must be free to play over the duration of the Jam and two weeks following.
Fetish content?

Not much this time around. More just a cute little romp through the Earnwile Manor than anything else!

Just so it is out of the way:

This is a text-adventure game with no images or graphics to speak of, only a simple UI and text will be present in the game. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

All my links, including my discord can be found here:


-WeirdoBeardo89 out!


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Cookies mystery with only one choice, written in Quest, August 18, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a mystery game written in Quest for the Single Choice jam.

I often run into bugs or 'guess the noun' problems with Quest games, but there were none here. Instead, there is only a single link per room (or, occasionally, a single link in the inventory menu on the side), up until the very end, where you can choose a suspect.

The story is that you are a stepmom that likes to cook, but your cookies have gone missing. You find traces all over, but you have to piece together what actually happened using out-of-game logic, rather than in-game.

Overall, it's a nice way to put interactivity into a 'single choice' game.

There were a few noticeable typos, especially near the end.

The game uses at least one character from a sexually explicit series, according to the author, but there was nothing explicit in this game.

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