Devlin Earnwile and the Missing Cookies

by Weirdobeardo89


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Cookies mystery with only one choice, written in Quest, August 18, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a mystery game written in Quest for the Single Choice jam.

I often run into bugs or 'guess the noun' problems with Quest games, but there were none here. Instead, there is only a single link per room (or, occasionally, a single link in the inventory menu on the side), up until the very end, where you can choose a suspect.

The story is that you are a stepmom that likes to cook, but your cookies have gone missing. You find traces all over, but you have to piece together what actually happened using out-of-game logic, rather than in-game.

Overall, it's a nice way to put interactivity into a 'single choice' game.

There were a few noticeable typos, especially near the end.

The game uses at least one character from a sexually explicit series, according to the author, but there was nothing explicit in this game.

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