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Who are you talking to?

by Corrocerous

1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

This is an incomplete projectWarning for the following: mentions of suicide, and death.

You wake up in a strange place with a strange creature looking at you what would you do? It's trying to comfort you but at the same time it's just creepy and weird. You have too many questions and this things refuses to answer.

Currently the game contains 8 different endings

Future updates
Fix the problem with the the namingCorrect grammar and typosFinish the current route and add missing endings
Add secon routeAdd third routeExtra art for all the endings


Ratings and Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Who indeed... or what?, May 13, 2024
Related reviews: dialoguejam

Who are you talking to? is a work in progress piece where you are confronted by a strange creature, in an unknown place, unable to leave. You can talk to the creature, asking them questions, and go over some of your most recent memories. Being an unfinished piece, there are timed where the game ends abruptly, forcing you to rewind and pick a different path to reach the end. There are at least 8 endings, though I’ve only managed to reach one.

From the tone of your interlocutor, my reading of the game (so far) is that you (Spoiler - click to show)died and are talking to some otherworldly being (maybe a God?), assessing your nature and action back when you were alive (though it seems your fate is sealed). You have the option of showing remorse towards your actions or doubling down. That or aliens.

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