Most of my reviews are just a record of me playing through award-winning games, in chronological order, and discovering what I like and don't like in IF. They are pretty much all reposted from my blog I started to chronicle this progress: gentle hart desire, where I occasionally write more expansive reviews and thoughts on the medium.
"This isn't going to be a normal review. I completely unfairly give this game five stars, for instance. And I'm giving it five stars..." - See the full review
Don't Pee Yourself!, by Hulk Handsome April 26, 2012 (edited: April 27, 2012)
"I admit that I did laugh while playing this game. If it is of any significance, it is as a "commentary" on the frustration of old text..." - See the full review
Small World, by Andrew D. Pontious April 26, 2012 (edited: April 27, 2012)
"What a cute game is this! What a nice little thing! Small World is not a "deep" game, and it doesn't tackle any big issues like fate or..." - See the full review
"Tapestry. You've died, and now are confronted by the tapestry of your life, woven by Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos: the fates of Greek..." - See the full review
"Well, I don’t know how to start writing about this game. Really I don’t. I know that I liked it, so I’ll start there. I liked it..." - See the full review