Results for series:Spring Thing1-20 of 21
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33 games in 3 divisions; award date May 11, 2024Spring Thing, also known as the Autumnal Jumble, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
26 games in 2 divisions; award date May 16, 2023Spring Thing, also known as the Autumnal Jumble, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
47 games in 2 divisions; award date May 10, 2022Spring Thing, also known as the Autumnal Jumble, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
38 games in 2 divisions; award date May 10, 2021Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
21 games in 3 divisions; award date May 3, 2020Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new...
20 games in 2 divisions; award date May 6, 2019The Spring Thing Interactive Festival is an annual online festival celebrating new works of interactive fiction; it takes place in the Spring, usually April-May. IF fans of all backgrounds are encouraged to enter their new works, or play...
20 games in 2 divisions; award date May 8, 2018The 2018 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction features twenty new interactive stories submitted by authors working across the spectrum of text games. Participants choose to place their games in either the Main Festival, where...
22 games in 2 divisions; award date May 8, 2017Spring Thing is an annual festival celebrating new text-based computer games of all kinds, by all kinds of people. Everyone is welcome! This year, there were twenty-two games, spread across two categories. Authors chose whether to submit...
17 games in 2 divisions; award date May 8, 2016Spring Thing is an annual festival celebrating new text-based computer games of all kinds, by all kinds of people. Everyone is welcome! This year, there are seventeen games, spread across two categories. Authors chose whether to submit...
9 games in 2 divisions; award date May 6, 2015Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, was redesigned this year to make it a space where people working on all kinds of text games can come together to celebrate making, releasing, and playing new stuff. Formerly a "competition"...
10 games; award date May 12, 2014The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
3 games; award date April 29, 2013The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
4 games; award date May 7, 20126 games; award date May 16, 20114 games; award date April 28, 2009The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
3 games; award date May 6, 2008The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
4 games; award date April 26, 2007The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
4 games; award date April 24, 2006The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
6 games; award date May 2, 2005The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
4 games; award date April 22, 2003The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
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