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La roche tombée du ciel.

by Piccopol


(based on 2 ratings)
3 reviews3 members have played this game.

About the Story

Seul au fin fond de votre vallée, vous devez faire pousser vos fleurs avant que la représentante du seigneur local n'arrive pour collecter la taxe annuelle.

Une nuit, quelque chose vient vous visiter.

(Il s'agit encore d'une version provisoire et incomplète. La suite du jeu sera ajouté très prochainement.)


16th Place - French Comp 2024

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Un début prometteur , March 9, 2024

Dans ce petit jeu, on commence par prendre soin d'un petit jardin de fleur mais un évènement nocturne va perturber nos plans.

Le jeu promets de bonnes choses qui devraient venir dans la suite du jeu.

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An unfinished gardening game with a twist, March 15, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This Moiki game puts you in the role of a young gardener (who I imagined as a woman, although I don't know if it's stated), living in a cottage in a clearing in the winds.

You have an old, mossy well and a loyal dog companion, as well as a neatly organized life, with a shed, a book on herbs, tools, etc.

I thought it might be a kind of strategy sim, but I found that I had time and energy to just about everything.

Later on, the game changes dramatically. I was intrigued with it.

There's still a lot left. I wonder if having some more significant choices in the first day might be fun (but if not, it's totally fine leaving it as just a story lead-in if more exciting stuff happens later). In any case, I found this well-written and easy to follow even for a non-native speaker.

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Mysterious arrival in your garden, March 11, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: French, Concours FI

La roche tombée du ciel. is a short fantasy demo made in Moiki, where you play as some sort of old herbalist getting ready for the tax collector’s visit in a couple of days. The problem is, you are certain you won’t be able to meet what is demanded in time, your bones are too old and it is too early in the season. Until, something comes visit you at night…

Out of the 4 expected playable day, you are able to play two of them: one where a neighbour warns you of the early tax visit, and one where that “something” arrives. Each of these days, you are able to tend to your garden, checking on each plant, watering them or giving them extra fertiliser, or check your notes. To keep you warm, you might even need to cut down a tree and get some wood. There’s EVEN A DOG YOU CAN PET AND PLAY WITH!

But you are limited in what you can do. Because you are old, these actions will take you quite a bit of energy (expect playing with the dog), which is only filled up by sleeping (which includes too many empty passages imo). Honestly, I could have played this loop for the rest of the game and feel very content with the game (I’m a sucker for those management-type games).

Still, I am intrigued to see how the mysterious “something” will come to play here.

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